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As I slip into the dress, I wonder whether walking down the aisle at this age is a good idea. I mean, twenty? Really? We haven't even graduated college yet! What was he thinking- proposing so soon?

But maybe love didn't have limitations like that. Maybe love had its own set of rules.

I brush my hair out and pin it to the side. I am struggling with the zipper on the dress when Liam and Joey push through the door and walk into the room. Laya shrieks from the other side of the room.

"You can't see me in my dress yet, Jack!"

Liam laughs. "It's just Joey and I, Laya. Jack is already in the chapel."

He walks to me and turns me around, his fingers deftly finding the zipper of the dress. He smoothly slides it up as he presses a kiss beneath my ear. I feel him smirk against my neck.

"I'm gonna be zipping this the other way later tonight," he mutters into my ear, gently nibbling it.

I elbow him gently, but he laughs, licking around the curve of my ear. I barely stifle a moan as his hands slide around my waist, pulling me back against him.

Joey coughs loudly. "Please," he groans. "No foreplay in my presence, thanks."

Liam laughs and moved to stand beside me, our fingers laced together.

"You nervous?" he asks Laya and she nods.

"Oh God, yes. I'm more nervous about whether Jack can handle this type of commitment more than anything else, you know?"

"Don't worry," Joey chuckles, "Jack is about as serious as Club Penguin, but when it comes to you he's like a freaking doctor. He means every word he says about you Laya."

"Yeah. When you love a girl, at a certain point you just know whether or not you want to spend the rest of your life with her. I promise he wouldn't have proposed to you if he wasn't sure," Liam informs her, and I can feel her next question before she even says it.

"Do you know that with Sierra yet?" Laya asks, and I can tell from the look on Joeys face that he was thinking the same thing.

Liam snorts. "I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with CC the day I turned sixteen and she took me to a dirt bike race."

I shove him lightly and he grins. "I'm serious. You already know I want us to stay together forever."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I love you," I laugh, and he kisses me gently.

"I love you, too."

"I love you more."

"I seriously doubt that."

The End

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