See Me Chapter Six

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"Oh my God!" I shriek, and Liam shakes his head vigorously at me. "Jack likes Laya?" I whisper-shout.

"No! No! I don't know for sure!! I was just...umm...guessing!"

"Liam, I know when you're lying! Oh my God!" I cry again, then shake my head. "He's such an idiot!"

"Okay, but you can't tell anyone CC, promise?"

"Yeah, yeah I promise." I glance back over at Jack and Laya, but something catches my eye first. Madison is glaring daggers at me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one to start a bitch-fight, but when it comes to Madison? All my self control vanishes.

"Slut," she hisses at me.

"Desperate," I hiss back, keeping my voice down so Liam wont hear.



Our duel is going steady until I hear a gasp from a few feet away and look over. Jack is gone - I can see him across the parking lot heading to his car, and Jessica and Laya are staring at each other, both girls looking ready to throw a punch. Only then do I see the red hue on Laya's cheek.

"What the hell just happened!? " I ask Liam, because clearly he knows - his jaw is slack and he is staring with interest. I stare up at him - at his strong jaw, at those clear green eyes, and those full... Sorry. Got a tad bit distracted.

"I'll tell you later, right now we need to get Laya and scram." We rush over to Laya, and I try to pull her by the arm, away from Jessica. She shoves me off.

"It's not worth it," I whisper, seeing the fight in her eyes.

"I'm done sitting around ignoring it. I have to fight - " Before she can finish, Liam slings her over his shoulder. She yells at him. "Dammit Liam! Put me down you asshole!" She beats her fists into his back, but he laughs, speed walking over to his car. He sets her down in the backseat and slams the door shut before she can jump out.

"Get in," he says to me, as I race around to the passenger side.

"Someone pleaes clarify what just happened," I say once we are a few blocks away from the school.

"She slapped me!"

"Why?" I ask.

"Because she thinks Jack likes me! As if. I don't have a chance with Jack." She pouts, slumped in her seat, and I feel Liam's eyes practically boring holes into the side of my face. I glance over and he gives a slight shake of his head. I want to tell her so badly. She looks so sad, staring out the window. I know how that feels.

But I can't tell her. Because if I do, then I'm hurting Liam in the process. I sigh.

"Violence isn't the right solution," I say instead, watching Liam pull his fingers through his hair in relief.

"Well, you definately looked like you were about to go at it with Madison," Liam points out, and my eyes widen. He saw that?

"What do you mean?" I ask, as if I don't know.

"Come on CC. You're my best friend, you think I'd know who your arch nemesis is. Not that I know why she's your nemesis." He looks at me for an explaination but I turn my head towards the window. Liam can't know about that stage of my life. Laya doesn't even know.

Everything would change if they knew.


Hey! I still feel like no one is reading this, but if you are, comment and I'll update the next chapter! I'll only do it if I get at least one comment!

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