See Me Chapter Three

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"Hey Mom," I grit out as Liam tries to put some distance between us.

"What are you two kids up to?" she asks, setting her purse down on the coffee table.

"Watching t.v," I blurt just as Liam says, "Just talking." It ends up coming out all jumbled and Mom looks upon us critically.

This time, Liam jumps in before I can and says, "We were talking about a show we just watched, Ms.Shapow." Why must he always be so smooth? And why must I always be such a mess?

"Oh, what's the show, maybe I've heard of it." Damn it.

"Uhh," he stumbles, trying to come up with a plausible response.

"Adventure Time!" I spit out, and she looks at me blankly.

"Never heard of it. Is that one of those weird shows on Cartoon Network?" I nod, which elicits a sigh from her. "I remember when that channel used to be for children," she grumbles as she heads upstairs to her room.

"Adventure Time? Really?" Liam turns to me. "That's what you came up with?"

"Hey!" I cry, undignified, "I didn't see you coming up with anything better!"

"Point taken."

We sit in silence for a moment before I decide that I can't take this. I stand and march purposefully into the kitchen, pulling out a cup of pudding from the fridge door. I think the stuff is foul, but Liam goes bat-shit crazy for it.

I spin around, about to go back and give him the cup, until I realize he is right behind me. And he looks, well, he looks...nervous. Can you imagine? The great Liam Jesop. Nervous. Ha.

"I,uh,here." Clever. I thrust the cup at his chest and hold out a spoon. He grasps them in his hands, his long fingers brushing mine.

"Thanks," he murmurs, then sits at the table, peeling open the top. I sit across from him as he pulls out his phone and focuses his attention on it. After a moment or two he sets the phone aside and looks at me. "Have you heard from Kiren lately?"

I shrug, shaking my head. "He's probably off partying, or cramming for a test, or hooking up with some college girl. He doesn't need me looking after him."

"You miss him don't you," Liam sighs and I glance away. Sometimes, it's hard to keep your thoughts bottled up when someone else knows you as well as you know yourself.

Of course I miss Kiren. I mean, when Liam wasn't around, Kiren was my rock. If it weren't for the two of them I would have gone stark raving bonkers being home with Mom all the time. She can be a little overbearing.

Things aren't the same without him. I spend majority of my time on my own, and most of the time I have no one to talk to. I don't tell Liam personal things unless he asks about them, no need to burden him too, I guess.

"Of course I do, he's my brother. But it'll be okay, he'll be home for Thanksgiving."

"That's great, right? Hang on, let me go use the bathroom." He stands, heading towards the hall and dropping his cup in the trash on the way.

The bathroom door clicks shut and then moments later Liam's phone chimes. A text.

Don't read it it's none of your business! Oh, but I just want to see who it's from! What difference does it make? Liam doesn't hide anything from me!

Getting the better of my conscience, I snatched up the phone and turned on the lock screen.

Two New Messages:

Madison: Hey, so I think you're right. We should get together sometime ;)

Madison: What time are you picking me up tomorrow night?

I slam the phone down and try to slow my breathing. I hadn't opened the texts, so Liam wouldn't know I had snooped, but that wasn't what was worrying me. Madison Carleil was the spawn the devil.

Let me tell you the story that no one but Kiren knows. The story of how she ruined my life.

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