See Me Chapter Twelve

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"I've been waiting all weekend to finally tell people you're mine," Liam laughs as he whispers in my ear.

"Well you didn't really tell them did you," I sigh and he frowns at me.

"I'm sorry, CC, what's the matter?"

"Nothing! I just, I was hoping you'd be a bit less... out there."

He nods his head slowly.

"But I guess I can't expect you to change for me. You've always been the Liam Jesop, and I guess I have to get used to being your girlfriend."

He stops walking and turns to me.

"Can I kiss you now?"

"Why haven't you done it already?" He smirks and leans down until his nose touches mine.

"Prolonging this only attracts more attention," I murmur, my breathing erratic.

"That's the idea sweetheart." He presses his lips to mine and smiles into the kiss. This is everything I've ever wanted.

And I know that sounds cheesy, but for as long as I can remember this has been the ideal picture for my senior year of high school. And it's happening.

We're interrupted when Jack and a couple of Liam's soccer friends come up to us and clap him on the back.

"So you finally told her, huh?" Seth says, laughing.

"Yeah, man, what's it been, like, five years now?" Mike smirks and Liam's face turns beet red.

"Five years?" I ask, staring at Liam, who is avoiding my eyes.

"Shit, son," Jack says to Mike, "she didn't know that part." Mike goes a little deer in the headlights.

"I- " Liam begins but he's cut off by the warning bell ringing. He gives me an apologetic smile, a kiss on the forehead and then leaves me standing there dumbstruck.

Five years. Liam has liked me for five years?

Holy Shit! When did that happen?

I turn to ask his friends but they are all slowly backing away, giving me awkward smiles. I grumble under my breath and stalk into school.

Laya falls into step beside me as I head to first period.

"That was actually the sweetest thing I've ever seen in my life, Sierra." I grin at her, shaking my head.

"Did you know Liam's liked me for five years?"

"Really?" I nod. "Jesus!"

Laughing, I say bye and head to first period. Everyone's eyes are on me. Jealousy, admiration and confusion all swirl into one feeling that is being directed at me. I step into French and Mme.Burg takes attendance.

People are whispering about me, I can feel it. But in some way I really don't mind. It doesn't matter what the consequences are, I have waited too long for Liam to want me the way I want him and nothing is going to ruin this for me.

Except Madison.

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