See Me Chapter Nine

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After the elation of being kissed by Liam fades, my insecurities creep in. What if he doesn't truly like me that way? He did, after all, just leave to join Madison at that fundraiser, right?

I mentally slap myself for being so untrusting. Liam's mom made him go to the fundraiser. I try to shove my doubts aside, keeping in mind that Liam just asked me to be his girlfriend! I squeal.

As I walk into the kitchen I find my phone buzzing off the hook on the dining table. I snatch it up.

Laya: I can't believe Jack!

Me: Why? What did he do?

Laya: He invited me to a party as his place, and when I get there, he tried to set me up with Ryan!

Me: Ryan Buick? O.o

Laya: ugh, yes! As if I can't get a date on my own.

Me: You can sweetie, with any guy except the one you want...

Laya: your one to talk! Last time I checked you were still pining over Liam!

Me:Yeah, about that...


Me: He kissed me.

Laya: SHUT. UP!!!!!!

Me: And he asked me to be his girlfriend...

Laya: SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPDHUTUP!!!!!!!!! Please tell me you said yes!!

Me: Of course I did!!

Laya: I'm so happy for you!!! Hey, do you want to come and rescue me from this hell hole?

Me: Sure, what's the address?

Once she texts it to me I head off to the worst night of my life.

I find the party pretty easily, it is in an enormous mansion, of which each and every window is lit up. I can also hear the bass beat thumping practically a mile away. I park on the street and grab my purse before heading in.

I never go to parties like these. Laya does, because Jack always invites her along, and she'd do anything for him, but I'm not a party girl.

When I enter the back yard I spot Laya instantly, probably because she is sitting by a very drunk Ryan and a blond-haired Jessica who is trying to hit on Jack. I rush over there and announce my presence.

"Yo, Sierra! Wassup?" Jack laughs, and I give him a nod, then I turn my attention to Laya. Ryan has his arm around her and she looks incredibly uncomfortable.

"Hey... you're that white girl...that's always with Liam," Ryan slurs. "Aren't you like, his bitch or something?" I have no response to this, so I clench my fist and turn to Laya.

"Ready to go?" I grit out and she nods hurriedly. She jumps up and Ryan slumps into a drunken puddle on the couch.

Jack stands and frowns at Laya. "You're leaving? Why? I thought we were having a great time!"

"No Jack! I was not having a great time! You set me up with this drunk bastard while this skank," she points at Jessica, "was practically humping your arm the whole time! What do you think I am? Pathetic? I can get a date on my own." She storms out of there in a cloud of fury and we watch her walk away. She slams the gate behind her and Jack groans, sitting and burying his face in his hands.

"What the hell am I doing wrong, Sierra?"

"What do you mean?" I sigh.

"Why is it that the one girl I actually want, doesn't want me?"

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