See Me Chapter Ten

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"Uh, Jack, are you sober right now?" I ask, and he glances up at me. "Like, how much have you had to drink?

"A coke," he deadpans, "I'm sober, Sierra, why?"

"Because I want you to get this through your head. STOP BEING SUCH A FUCKING IDIOT."

I watch as Jacks face goes from shock, to anger and then to contemplation and sorrow. I leave before he can say anything else, following Laya out the gate.

"Oh my God!" Laya shrieks, "That was totally bad ass!" I giggle and she pulls me into a hug.

We laugh and drink Gatorade that was in my car. Laya always drinks purple, and I always drink blue.

"So," she says suddenly, "tell me what happened with Liam! Oh my God, please say you weren't shitting me when you texted me what happened!?"

I chuckle and tell her the whole story, leaving out the bit about Jack liking her. When I'm finished, Laya is glowing like a light bulb and seems a little buzzed off of whatever alcohol she drank before I got here.

"I think you and Liam are so sweet together. Can you imagine school Monday? Everyone is going to flip!"

Just as she says this, a group of tall, leggy brunettes walk by laughing.

"Ten bucks says I can hook up with Tommy Higgins tonight," says the one in the purple minidress. The one blond girl in the group rolls her eyes.

"I'd do it for free Sharona."

With a name like that I doubt anyone is going to be hooking up with her soon.

"I'm just sorry that Liam isn't here tonight," says another girl with a sigh, "He is so insanely hot." I snicker behind my hand and see Laya holding in a laugh as well.

"Too bad," she continues, "I was sooo looking forward to sleeping with him tonight." My laughter becomes a frown.

"What makes you think he would hook up with you, Brit? You know he doesn't do one night stands."

"I wouldn't mind being his girlfriend, that boy has a fine ass." I burst out laughing at this and the girls turn to look at me.

"What are you laughing at, Geek," the blond spits at me.

"Sorry I just overheard your conversation."

"Yeah? And what was so funny about it?"

"The fact that you don't know about Liam yet." They frown at me.

"Alright, I'll play, what about Liam?" asks the one in the purple.

"He's off the market, ladies." I can see Laya shaking her head when the girls gasp loudly. It sure is a crying shame. For them.

"You're lying," Blondie accuses.

"Why would I be? You know who I am, you know I know the truth." They all very reluctantly nod their heads, as if they can't stand to admit that I am Liam's best friend.

And Girlfriend I think sneakily.

"Who is it?" one of the girls in the back asks and I smirk, shrugging my shoulders.

"I'm not at liberty to say, but I'm sure everyone will find out Monday."

They girls glance around curiously, as if this mystery girl might be lurking in the corners. Or right in front of them.

They turn away from me, signaling the end of our conversation and I look back at Laya.

"What the hell happened to my shy, sassy, quiet best friend?" she laughs, "When did you get so bad ass?" I shrug happily and help her up.

"I can't wait to see their faces Monday." We walk back to my car and get in.

"I'm gonna have a migraine tomorrow," she grumbles.

"Not a hangover?"

"I didn't drink that much."

We drive in a comfortable silence and when I pull up to her house she gives me a hug.

"Thanks for saving my ass tonight," she sighs and I smile.

"You would have done it for me," I say, and we leave it at that because it's true and our friendship is real.

When I pull into my driveway I see a figure on my doorstep. Only one person would be at my house at close to midnight.

I walk up the steps slowly until I'm standing beside him on the dark porch.

"Where were you?" he whispers and I realize he is closer than I anticipated.

"At a party."

"You hate parties."

"Laya needed me to help her get out of there." I sigh, and then say, "How was the fundraiser?"

"Awful. I missed you. I wish I had made you come with me."

"I offered," I mutter and he takes two steps towards me.

"I know. But I wanted to give you some time to think about if you still wanted to be my girl."

"Of course I do," I smile and feel his fingers on my hips, his thumbs rubbing my skin softly.

"Are you sure you still want me to be your girl?" I ask in response but he doesn't even dignify that question with a response. He fits his mouth over mine and kisses me with everything he is. He nudges me backward until we are sitting on the porch swing, my legs draped over his lap.

Gently, he presses my chin down, forcing my mouth open, his for the taking. I think to myself that I've never loved anyone as much as I love Liam. And I want to tell him.

I love you.

I want to tell him so badly, but I can't ruin this for myself. I can't expect him to feel the same way so soon.

His lips trail down my neck as his hand simultaneously slides up my shirt. He cups my breast through my bra and I arch my back.

"Ah," I gasp.

"CC," he murmurs, his mouth on mine. "Can I stay the night?"

I frown and then gasp once I've grasped his meaning.

"Liam, no not tonight! My mom is home." I glance nervously at her bedroom window and see the glow of her lamp.

He chuckles, his fingers tracing a perfect circle around my belly button. I sigh, content with this even motion.

"Not for sex, sweetheart. I just want to have you close," he says into my ear and I shiver. Daniel never made me feel this way. Wanted. Loved.

"Do you think my Mom will let you sleep over anymore? Once she knows that we're..." I trail off, not wanting to give us a label that Liam isn't okay with.

"A couple? Dating? Together?" he fills in and I blush. "I'm sure she won't, but that's why we tell her tomorrow morning."


Hey guys! So, yeah, this was more or less just a filler but I really wanted to write more about Liam and Sierra so yay! Comment and vote and follow, anything! Thank you!

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