Chapter Nineteen

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Joey walks into the bathroom and sits across from me on the ledge of the bathtub. He pulls his hand through his hair, and I almost cry because it reminds me of Liam.

"Five minutes," I remind him, and he sighs.

"I'm sorry, Sierra. I'm so fucking sorry."

"Good for you." Okay, I'm bitter, so what?

"Liam loves you," he says.

I shake my head. "Maybe he did, but now I'll never know."

"Sierra, what happened sophomore year shouldn't have. I shouldn't have let it happen, I should have told Liam. It's been weighing on my conscience for the last three years, and I would do anything to take it back."

"How could you let something like that happen to me? To anyone? Do you even understand how scarred I am because of that?"

He shakes his head. "I'm so sorry. I would do anything to make it up to you."

I rub the heels of my hands into my eyes and sigh. I can't hold a grudge against someone once they've apologized to me. Genuine remorse is something I've come to recognize easily and I see it in Joey.

"This in no way makes up for what you did and didn't do, but let's start with giving me a ride home, okay?"

He nods vigorously. "Definitely."

We unlock the door and walk out, neither of us considering the consequences of being seen walking out of the bathroom together.

Then, I see Liam. With Madison. On his lap. They are making out ferociously, sloppily, I think, until someone wolf whistles at Joey and I. And Liam's head snaps to attention, and a deep scowl appears on his face.

"Liam, I swear we weren't doing anything, I just-"

Before Joey can finish Liam has shoved Madison off his lap, gotten up, stalked all the way over to us, and punched Joey square in the jaw.

I yelp, dropping down next to Joey, who is laying on the floor, groaning.

"Get up and fight, asshole! You think you can fuck my girl and get away with it!?"

I stare at Liam, dumbstruck. He really IS a lightweight. I almost laugh.

"We didn't have sex!" I yell at him, and he looks startled, like he only just remembered I was there. His jaw clenches. Clearly, he just remembered that I'm not his girl anymore.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you had."

He walks away, and I stare after him, stunned. I've heard people insult me far worse than that, but hearing it from my best friend, the love of my life, my, dare I say it, soul mate, I feel my heart and soul shattering into tiny pieces until I am not even whole anymore.

I help Joey up and we walk to the car. His jaw isn't swelling too bad, just bruised, and there is a cut on his lip.

He unlocks his car and we get in, sitting in silence for a while.

"Where do you live?" he asks, and I laugh, bitterly. Liam knows my address by heart. I can't even remember the last time someone else has given me a ride. I tell Joey my address and tell him how to get there.

I consider his parents reaction when I don't return home, but shrug it off. I know Liam won't want me in his house. I'll be fine on my own.

"Sierra?" he says, as we are cruising down the highway.


"Liam loves you more than anything. He'll come around."

"Not if Madison gets to him, which, clearly, she already has. He's not going to forgive me Joey."

"He doesn't know the whole story," Joey says, "If you just tell him-"

"No! I can't relieve everything that happened, okay? I just can't go through it all over again. What if he still doesn't want to be with me? Because according to Daniel I was 'the worst lay ever, and about as responsive as his pillow.' What if Liam doesn't even want me anymore?"

"Do you really believe that? You've

known Liam your whole life and you're worried that he can't make up his own mind about you?"

"He hates me, Joey, I don't think I'll be able to fix that. Madison is probably spoon feeding him lies as we speak."

He doesn't respond, and we drive in silence.

We pull into my driveway and I squeeze my eyes shut before pushing the door open.

"Thanks for the ride," I tell him, and he smiles weakly.

"Please consider it, Sierra. Tell him what happened."

"The answer is no, Joey. I'm not telling him."

I shut the door and go inside.

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