I Hate You But I Love You.

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A/N- PLEASE READ. So when I first came up with this story I intended it to be stupid, funny, and short. But about five chapters in I decided I couldn't do that and came up with a completely different plot. And I'm far too lazy to change the beginning of this story, so... The plot after chapter five is, well, intense and a tad dark. So if reading a story like that appalls you, maybe you shouldn't read it. But if you're intrigued, either sit through the first five chapters, or  if you don't mind missing minor details you could skip ahead. Your choice. (Years later update: this story kinda sucks lol)

Please don't be looking at me. Please don't be looking at me. Please don't be-

"Scarlet, why is Lukas looking at you?" my best friend Trinity inquired. Dammit.

"I have absolutely no idea," I muttered nonchalantly as we continued through the crowded hallway.

There were people rushing this way and that as Trinity and I managed to squeeze by to our next class. Honestly, why the hell did he have to be looking at me? I always thought maybe it was just my imagination, but now Trinity has confirmed it.

I knew that something must have been up, but the fact that we hardly ever talked to each other concerns me. Damn you Lukas Deeves; you and your awkward last name.

Trinity bounded into the classroom and sat at her desk and I took the seat next to her. I could tell she wanted to ask me what was going on, but really there was nothing I could say. I hardly knew myself. She ran her fingers through her blonde hair with blue streaks, her eyes fidgeting from me and to the door. I started twirling my long brown hair in my fingers in nervousness, knowing what would be happening in the next few seconds.

The creeper himself walked through the door, black scene cropped hair, black skinny jeans and a band shirt to tie it all together, listening to one of his friends talk. They took to the seats somewhere behind us and I sighed in relief when he didn't look at me once; but I couldn't help also feeling annoyed.

I tried to ignore these conflicting feelings as the teacher started the lesson.


 "What do you think about him? He's pretty nice and-"

"No," I cut my other best friend, Alice, off. She and Trinity have been trying to set me up with any guy they knew and it was starting to get annoying. I bit into the burger I bought for school lunch in annoyance.

"Oh, were kidding, no need to get so feisty," Trinity laughed from her position across from me at the lunch table.

"Yeah, you better be," I muttered. It wasn't that I was absolutely terrified by the fact of being set up, I appreciate what they were trying to do, but I rather find someone on my own.

Then Trinity's eyes looked at something behind me for a second and then flickered back to me and a cheshire grin took to her face, "What about Lukas?"

"What?" I said a bit too loudly, almost choking on my own air. Alice's eyes had bugged at Trinity's suggestion.

"Well, you know," Trinity started, "He's not that bad looking, taller that you, and the style you would totally go for. You two would look good together. Plus he hates my pussy of an ex boyfriend so he gets people points."

I pinched the bridge of my nose. The fact was she was right about all of those things. I was around 5'8' and for some reason a lot of the guys weren't that tall, and I really go for the guys with the scene/emo style. And he does hate her ex, I'm not sure why but he does. Hey, maybe he's good at judging character.

Trinity and her ex were together for almost a year, but he was a liar and a disgusting person. Thankfully they broke up.

Then Alice spoke up, "You're kidding right? Lukas is not a good person."

"Well, we don't know that for sure. And besides, Scarlet likes the "bad boy" type," Trinity said smugly.

I slammed my head onto the table in annoyance and embarrassment. I hate it when they said stuff like that. It's not like I'm attracted to juvenile delinquents who do drugs, alcohol, vandalize, and all the other crap like that. It's more like a person with an interesting story. I can't take some boring person, you know? Okay, I'm going to stop babbling now.

Alice had slapped the back of Trinity's head playfully, "I will not allow Scarlet to go out with someone like that."

"What are you, my parents?" I said, jokingly, looking back up at them.

"We just want what's best for you," they said in unison, their eyes shining.

I stared at them awkwardly. The creeps. I knew they loved me, but geez! How is a person supposed to react to something like that? "Well, mom, dad, I'm going to throw my trash away," I said, standing up and grabbing my tray. They called things like "be safe" and "stranger danger" to my back, which I ignored.

As I was walking I noticed someone staring at me. He was sitting next to Lukas at their table, his name was Mark. I raised an eyebrow at him and looked away. If they have something to say to me then just say it, stop looking at me like creeps.

When I sat back down at our table Trinity and Alice had stopped talking so obviously their conversation had something to do with me. Geez, what was up with today? Their eyes kept looking at something behind me so I finally looked around to see what they were looking at. I instantly wish I hadn't.

Lukas was looking at me with a blank expression and our eyes connected. I wanted to look away, but I couldn't for some reason. I wanted to raise my eyebrow at him like I had at Mark, but I couldn't. Dammit, just look away! I managed to form a glare and then turned back around to see Trinity and Alice looking at me with unreadable expressions.

I sighed, "Any idea why that kid keeps looking at me like a creep?"

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