I Hate You But I Love You. Chapter 2

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“You got me shaking from the way you’re talking. What a cyanide surprise you have left for my eyes…” I sang the lyrics to Get Scared’s Sarcasm softly as I grabbed my book bag out of my locker. It was the end of the day and hardly anyone was in the hallway. Trinity and Alice had gotten a ride home from Alice’s sister who was a senior. I would love to get a ride home from them, but I live a bit too far away from their house, Trinity and Alice were neighbors, and I didn’t want to be a burden. So I was waiting for my bus.

I muttered the lyrics a bit more as I started walking through the hallway. I approached the doors to the stairs and clearly wasn’t paying attention when the doors opened and smacked into someone; causing us both to fall down.

“Shit,” the guy cursed from above me. I opened my eyes, thinking the voice was familiar. Oh, how cliché.

Lukas was staring down at me, his hands on either side of my head, and his legs tangled up in mine. His dark brown eyes bore into mine as his hair framed his face. I could see Mark standing to the side looking amused.

“Um, could you get off me?” I said after a few moments of awkwardness.

He blinked a few times and then stood up. He brushed himself off and picked up his bag, I continued to do the same.

“Uh, you alright?” He asked awkwardly, his eyes flicking to mine occasionally as he spoke.

“Yeah, I just wasn’t paying attention, sorry,” I muttered, feeling extreme tension between us. I never understood this and tried not to question it too much. But recently when I would pass him in the hall or something I would normally feel this really weird tension. There really weren’t any words to describe it so I tried to push it out of my mind as much as I could.

“Haha, good going you douche,” Mark said playfully to Lukas.

“Shut up bitch,” Lukas replied, punching Mark’s arm.

“Right,” I said slowly, “Well, I think I’m gonna go…”

I began walking away when Lukas called out, “Wait! What song were you singing? It sounded familiar.”

He heard me? “Sarcasm by Get Scared.”

“Isn’t that the band where the lead singer left?” Mark questioned.

“Yeah,” I sighed and shrugged, “I still like the music though.”

“The lead singer’s a pussy. Why would he leave?” Lukas asked. My eyebrow twitched slightly at him.

“Hell if I know,” I rolled my eyes.

“Well the band wasn’t that good anyway,” Lukas said dismissively.

“What?! Dude they were amazing. Let me guess, you’re into that hard core shit where they aren’t even singing?”

He winked at me, “You bet.”

I rolled my eyes again, “Well excuse me for actually liking singing and not deep throat screaming where you can hardly understand what they’re saying.”

“What? You can totally understand them. You just have no taste in music,” he said, a bit angry.

“Oh please. Are you really going to that defense? We just have a slightly different opinion when it comes to music,” I said, raising an eyebrow at his overreacting.

“Slightly different opinion? You were dissing screamo!”

I chuckled, “Not entirely. I’m not saying it’s the worst thing in the world. I don’t mind it, but I like for the singer to have a good voice and actually sing.”

His fists tightened at his side and his nostrils flared a little. I could tell that music was very important to him. Luckily, Mark intervened.

He grabbed Lukas’s arm, “Well this was nice and all but we gotta go,” and then he started pulling Lukas away.

“I’d love to discuss music with you again if you promise not to have a hissy fit!” I called to them as they walked away. Lukas stuck his hand up and flipped me off, not even looking back. I laughed, making sure he could hear it, and then started walking back to the stairs.

I laughed, remembering that Trinity had suggested us going out. Yeah right. Screw that. The kid is just annoying and overreacts too much. I shook my head as I continued to where my bus would soon be; trying to ignore a strange feeling that I was upset by the way our conversation had ended.

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