I Hate You But I Love You. Chapter 20

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A/N- Sorry for the long wait. Life, you know? But, uh, I'm not really sure where this chapter came from, I certainly wasn't planning it to go this way. But whatever! It's all good. Although, only about 10 people read this story and I'm not sure how I feel about that. I mean, the beginning chapters were really stupid (I wasn't even planning for this story to go in the direction it did) and I'm too lazy to fix them. Sigh, and I know this subject isn't everyones' cup of tea, but, I don't know. Tell friends if they want to read something like this?


**Scarlet’s P.O.V.**

“Alice! Alice! Come on, talk to me!” I yelled after Alice as she started walking into the school. She had her back to me and started speeding up as she realized I was running towards her. Trinity tried to grab Alice’s arm, but she shrugged her away.

I managed to catch up to her though as she reached the doors, “Why are you ignoring me?” I panted. She gave me a look and then walked through the door. “Alice?!” I cried in disbelief as I followed her, getting weird looks from the others students.

She finally spun around to me, an angry look on her face, “Why don’t you go hang out with Deevy!”

I rolled my eyes, “What the hell Alice? This can’t be the real reason you’re upset with me.”

“Seriously Alice, we’re worried about you,” Trinity said.

“Well don’t be! We should be more concerned about Scarlet and her lies!” Alice yelled, a disgusted look in her eyes. This made all of the students interested and a few of them stopped to watch.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, “What are you talking about?” I sighed.

“I know you’re hiding something. And I know there is something going on between you and Lukas,” Alice glared at me.

“I think you’re overreacting too much,” Trinity said to her with a raised eyebrow.

“Honestly,” I sighed, “Me and Lukas are hardly even friends.”

“Even so, both of you are hiding something,” Alice crossed her arms across her chest.

“And it’s your duty to find out what that is?” I shot back with venom in my voice. That shut Alice up and she just stared at me in disbelief. “Alice, not everything is your business. You need to respect that.”

“And you need to stop spazzing out all of the time,” Trinity said, “If there is something bothering you, besides Scarlet’s slight secrecy, then tell us.”

“But why should I tell you guys something when Scarlet won’t tell us a huge part of her life?”

I froze. Did she… she didn’t… know. She couldn’t have.


“I know Scarlet. I was just hoping you would trust us enough to tell us yourself.” And with that Alice spun away and walked down the hallway; leaving everyone confused.


“Scarlet. You haven’t spoken for the last ten minutes. What’s going on?” Trinity asked me from the seat to my left. We were in first period and the teacher told us to just work quietly.  But I just couldn’t talk. How in the world could Alice have found out? We did everything we could to make it confidential. I sighed and let my head rest on the desk.

“Scarlet… Are you in some kind of trouble?” Trinity continued.

“No,” I croaked.

“Well, what does Alice know?”

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