I Hate You But I Love You. Chapter 31

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**Lukas' P.O.V.**

It was horrible. All of my loved ones, mom, Jona, my grandparents, even Mark and Dakota, were lying in bruised messes on the floor in front of Bill and all of his goons; including the pedo. I couldn't move as I watched them get tortured, I couldn't even yell to say stop. And then, to my horror, Scarlet was thrown into the mix. She was crying and blood stained the back of her shirt.

Her hands were tied behind her and she was kneeling. But then she made eye contact with me and mouthed something I couldn't make out. I was about to say something when Bill came up behind her and whacked her in the head with a bat so hard that her head came clear off.

"NOO!" Thump!

"Lukas! Are you okay?"

I slowly opened my eyes and found myself lying on the floor by the couch, having fallen off during my nightmare. My cheeks felt tear-stained and the pain killers had definitely worn off. John and Jona were standing by me, looking concerned.

I groaned, "Yeah...Just give me a minute." Slowly I managed to sit up and I rubbed at my eyes, "What time is it?"

"About 9 am. Breakfast is almost ready," John answered, extending a hand to me.  

I ignored his hand and looked around for my backpack, "I kind of want a shower first..."

John pulled back his hand, "Oh. Well by all means go ahead."

I moved so I was sitting on the couch and began to unravel the blankets from my legs, "Jona, make sure you eat a good breakfast, okay?"

Jona nodded and walked back towards the kitchen. Then I stood up and John extended his hand again but I slapped it away.

"Let me help you," he said in a huff.

I shook my head, "I'm fine." But I was made a liar when I took a step and stumbled a bit; John caught me in time though.

"You're weak and need food and rest. Just let me help you for the time being," John said, helping me to walk as I grabbed my backpack. I grumbled in response to him and we walked to the bathroom. "You won't slip and fall, will you?"

I rolled my eyes and began to close the door, "I'll be fine." Then I was alone in the bathroom. I let out a long sigh and then set out sweat pants, underwear, a long shirt, a wash cloth, and the first aid kit. I peeled off my shirt and sighed when I was faced with all of the bandages. I looked like a freaking mummy.

Once I was free of bandages and feeling fully disgusted at my appearance; I turned on the shower and then stepped in. When I was fully clean and all of the dried blood was washed away from my body, I stepped out of the shower, dried off, and changed into my sweatpants. Then I was faced with the dilemma of re-bandaging myself.

I could get the parts on my arms that needed bandaging, and the few cuts on my face, but it was kind of hard to get to my back, which needed to medicine the most. I faced my back to the mirror so I could check it out. There were plenty, and I do mean plenty, of cuts all over the place from that damn stick, a lot of bruises, and plenty of welts from the whipping. Although, I was surprised to note that the stitches I got last week were still there.

The front of my torso was also in bad shape; plenty of ugly bruises and more welts. Shit I was in pain. Once I did all that I could, I buried my pride and opened the door a crack.

"John, could you come here," I called in a reluctant voice. He was quickly by the door and raised an eyebrow at me.

"What's up?"

"I, uh, need some help with my, er, wounds," I mumbled, looking down at the floor.

John nodded in understanding and came into the room. He sighed when he saw my back and then started to apply medicine and bandages. It was quiet for a while until John spoke up. "I understand why you don't trust me, but you have nothing to worry about. You and Jona are safe here."

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