•chapter 17• where

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•emily's pov•
I honestly felt like my body was taking me away and I would never see any of them again, but before I knew it I was back at the bus door looking up at it. It must be the lack of sleep..I checked my phone to see that it was 7:00 a.m, and I had to be up in two minutes. I decided just to steal two of Tino's monsters and chug them down. I got in the shower and did my usual hair and make up routine. I put on a PTV anchor crop top and high-waisted black shorts. Today I was taking over AP's snapchat and Nick and I where going to crash a bunch of sets for a new video. I texted Nick and we decided to meet up at the AP tent until it was his break. When I got their he was interviewing Pierce The Veil.

After Tony answered a question Nick looked up and smiled at me

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After Tony answered a question Nick looked up and smiled at me. That caught the guys attention and they waved at me.
"Look who decided to join the party!" I said running into the tent and sitting on Nick's lap. Everyone laughed and I stole the microphone away from Nick.
"Hey hey hey!" I smiled high-fiving Mike.
"We'll look who it is!" Jaime laughed
"I think Nick's dead..." Tony said trying not to laugh. I looked behind my back to see Nick pretending to be dead, and I playfully punched his chest and gave him the microphone.
"I'm not that fat!" I exclaimed pulling up a chair
"You aren't fat at all." Vic said sounding serious
"You ready for this?" Nick asked the phone I was holding in my hand. I was recording for snap chat, we where going to go crash Sleeping With Sirens set, and then we where gonna go to lunch. As we ran up on stage during Fly I recorded on snap chat, and it ended up Kellin and I crowd surfing. Of course it was a little uncomfortable having hands touch my ass, but the adrenaline was running so I didn't care. Then Nick decided to order some sandwiches while we edited the PTV interview.
"It's hotter that hell," I exclaimed fanning myself with my hand.
"I hear ya.."Nick sighed
"I wish I was a guy, I could take my shirt off."
"You still can!"
"You pervert!"
We laughed and then their was a knock on the bus doors, so I went to answer it. I payed the guy, and then threw Nick's sandwich at him. After awhile it was time to crash some other set, and this time it was All Time Low. When we ran on stage Alex started laughing.
"Emily, someone requested a song for me to sing for you." He stated
"And what song is that?"
"Hit it!"
Then the beginning to Too Much came on, and I knew it was Austin. I looked backstage to see him standing their watching me, and Nick looked at me concerned. Instead of leaving I decided to pretend it didn't bother me, and Nick and I danced around stage. After we left I pushed past Austin, and hurried up to the AP bus.
"Okay, what is going on?" Nick asked as I sat down in his bunk.
"Austin and I where dating for a day or two , and then he cheated on me and we haven't talked since." I stated putting my head in my hands. Nick sat next to me and patted my back. I put my head on his shoulder and sighed.
"This is all my fault...." I muttered
"It's not your fault."
"I should of never been born."
That night I stayed with Josh knowing that if I went back to the bus we'd get into a fight. I borrowed one of Tyler's tank tops, and slept on the couch witch the both protested but I said it would be okay. I slept for an hour, so u decided to leave and go back to om&m's bunk. When I walked I saw Austin sitting in the little booth thing on his labtop. He looked up at me and smiled.
"Hey chickadee," he whispered
"Uh, hi.." I whispered back. He patted the spot next to me and I sat down.
"Can't sleep?" I asked resting my head on his shoulder
"Yeah, I'm guessing you can't either?"
"Nope, that makes two days in a row."
"That's not healthy Em, you should sleep.."
"I've tried, I just feel so..alone."
"You're not alone.."
"You're with me."
Austin chuckled at my reference, and put his arm around me. I yawned and my eyes gently closed and I found myself drifting asleep.
•alan's pov•
I woke up and changed into my regular clothes and fixed my hair. I decided to go get Emily a coffee since I knew she probably hadn't of slept. That's when I walked into the kitchen area and saw her and Austin curled up asleep. I picked her up and took her to her bunk, and went to go get her some coffee. On the way there I called Kellin asking him what we should do.
"I don't know man," he said sounding worried.
"We can't let her get hurt again..."I stated
"But, if it's true love we can't keep them apart."
•emily's pov•
I woke up in my bunk with my comfy pikachu blanket over me. Austin must of put me in here. The curtain opened and Alan smiled at me with two coffees in hand. I reached out for mine, and smiled.
"Thanks princess ginger." I mumbled getting out of bed. I slipped on my SWS tank and some shorts, and then checked the schedule, today was a few day for me so I decided to vlog.
"Hello everyone, so far the hug count is 17 and its day...three?" I said at the camera
"I think so." Alan replied kissing me on the cheek.
"I SHIP IT!" Phil yelled running out the bus doors.
"I DO TOO!" Aaron shouted following him
"Guys wait up!" Tino exclaimed trying to put his shoes on.
"As you can see the guys are late to their practice 'cause Alan decided to go get coffee and he didn't wake anyone else up."
"Shut up!" Alan yelled causing me to laugh.
"Wait..where's Austin?"

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