•chapter 24• memories

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I laid in the bunk of the bunker and sighed. It's been two weeks, and there has been so many news stories about how we are missing and how people saw us running. Oli had one of his band mates explain to Austin and then what was going on and they gave him some clothes for me. I tugged on the sleeve of my grey sweatshirt and sighed. Oli walked in and came over to my bunk.
"Hey," I whispered
"Hello," he smiled
"I have a head ache..." I whimpered
He left the room and came back with water and two painkillers. I thanked him, and then he started telling me stories of when he was on tour to cheer me up.

 I thanked him, and then he started telling me stories of when he was on tour to cheer me up

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"So, yeah that's the story of how I lost my pants."
I laughed, and then yawned. Honestly, I felt really sick. Oli must of thought the same thing, so he put the back of his hand on my forehead. He quickly took it off, and ran to the front. He got a thermometer, and took my temperature. He pulled out his phone and called someone.
"What's wrong?" I asked my eyes getting heavy
"You have a high fever..." Oli muttered
"There's something else..."
Before he could speak I passed out, wondering why I was sick so soon. It's felt like hours just sitting here in darkness, I can't open my eyes or move anything. I wonder where I am, and what's going on.
•austin's pov•
"We can't take her to a hospital!" Oli whisper shouted
"If she's poisoned we need to!!!"
Oli angrily sighed. I pinched the bridge of my nose and groaned. I can't let her die.
"I'm taking her to a hospital." I sighed. Oli stared at me and shook his head.
"We cant!" He whisper-shouted
"You can't. I can. I'm gonna save my girl no matter what." Oli flinched as I pushed him out of the way to go get Emily. I picked up her lifeless passed out body, and left the bunker. Oli just stood there watching, not protesting, not helping. I walked into the hospital, and the nurse took her into the emergency room and pumped the poison out of her. Meanwhile, I was calling me everyone that she was close with. Tony ran into the emergency room, and almost slammed into an old lady. Alan, Tino, Aaron, and Phil followed behind and Vic, Jaime, and Mike followed behind them. We all waited for someone to tell us what was going on, but hours pasted and there was no information. I leaned against to wall remembering old memories.
"Austin!" Emily yelled turning her camera on and pointing it at me.
"What?" I asked smiling a little and looking at the camera, then back at the road.

"What?" I asked smiling a little and looking at the camera, then back at the road

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"You suck!" She stuck her tongue out and laughed.
"If I suck, you suck too!"
"And, why's that?"
"Because best friends stick together forever."
"Did I just get friend zoned by the all mighty Austin Robert Carlile?"
"Yes, yes you did."
Emily smiled and put her hand over her heart and flipped the camera so it was filming her. When I glanced over she mouth 'asshole', and I swerved the car to get payback. She gasped and playfully slapped my chest.
"Did you guys see that? He could of killed me!" She wined making me chuckle.
"I wouldn't kill you!"
"I'm watching you, Carlile."
I laughed, Emily was known for calling people by their last name. When we first met she would only call me Carlile, it was until three years that she called me Austin. She hated when people would call her by her first or last name, so I came up with Hachi. In Japanese it means eight, or loyal dog. Ever since I called her that eight has been her lucky number. I remember writing songs with her, she was always good with words. She wrote the majority of 'This Ones For You', but told me that I could pretend I wrote all of it.
Emily searched through her old notebooks trying to find inspiration, or an old song she wrote. She groaned and fell back on my bed, and randomly started singing words.
"Friend of mine." She sang and I wrote it down.
"What am I supposed to put after that? Ugh! This is so hard!" She whined. I continued to jot down words. She wrapped her arms around my torso and rested her head on my shoulder.
"Friend of mine, I tried a revolution." She whisper-singed.
"Do you like it?" I asked doubtfully
"Yeah! How about 'everyone screaming it's not fair, it's not fair.'"
"It's not fair, life's not fair."
"See! We are getting some where!"
I smiled at the brief memories, it made me want to see her face again, her bright blue eyes, her big smile. Everything about her is perfect, and no matter what it will be. The doctor walked out and asked for me, which I ran over to him. He told me that she was fine, and I could see her. I waved the guys over, and we went to see her. She was in this small room with an iv in her arm. She was still passed out, but they had got her fever down. Everyone but me talked to her, and when they left I laced my fingers with hers and sat down on the hospital bed. I planted a kiss on her forehead, and her eyes fluttered open.
"Where am I?" She asked
I explained what was going on, and she seemed scared.
"You're okay, I won't let anything happen to you." I said laying down next to her. I put my arms around her waist and she cuddled up to me.
"I love you, Carlile." She whispered
"I love you too, Hachi."
"Hey Austin?"
"Can I play the Romeo sometime?"
"Maybe." I chuckled at the song reference, and then closed my eyes.
"You know I wrote that song about you." I whispered into her ear.
After awhile she fell asleep, and not to long after that I did too.

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