•Chapter 9• pity party

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I got out of the shower, and quickly dried my hair and straightened it. I slipped on the dress, and put on eyeliner and some red lipstick. I squinted my eyes and sighed.
"I look ugly as always," I mumbled so Kendra wouldn't hear me. I walked out of the bathroom, and then went to my labtop. I stared at the call button and runner my hand through my hair.
"Call him, and apologize." Kendra said taking a bite of her sandwich.
I just sighed and clicked answer. It kept ringing and ringing, but no answer. So I ate a sandwich, and then called him again.
Call Declined.
"Call declined?!" I whispered as I clicked call again. This time he answered. He squinted his eyes at me and sighed. He was sweating really bad, his hair was in his face and his tank top was drenched.
"Listen, Austin I'm really sorry about yesterday..." I stated looking down at my hands in shame.
"Hatchi, it's fine." He said smiling
"You haven't called me Hatchi in awhile," I giggled
"What's up with you?"
"I'm going to a party."
"Remember my rules about parties."
"Never take a drink from anyone, don't do drugs, put your hand over your drink at all times, only two drinks 'cause I'm a lightweight, if some guy tries to hit on me run away."
"Good girl!"
"I'm not a dog!"
After awhile Austin had to go, and it was 7:50. I grabbed my camera, and explained what was going on to it. I was gonna make a party vlog, which hopefully was gonna be fun. By eight Denis was at the door.

He stood there his hair swept to the side with a blue t-shirt and a denim jacket, he wore black jeans and smiled at me

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He stood there his hair swept to the side with a blue t-shirt and a denim jacket, he wore black jeans and smiled at me. He grabbed my hand, and twirled me around. He then planted a soft kiss on my cheeks, which made them a shade of light pink.
"You look so beautiful," He smiled as I closed the apartment door.
"Where's this party, and who's coming?" I asked walking down the sairs with my camera in hand.
"It's at Brendon's house, and a bunch of artists."
"Okay," I got in the car, and plugged my phone into the AUX cord. I then played Guns For Hands by Twenty One Pilots. I turned my camera on, and filmed Denis and I lip-syncing and being weird. We then arrived at the party, and it was my worst nightmare. The music was too loud, everyone was drunk, some people were doing drugs. Denis grabbed my hand, and laced his finger with mine. He then took me to the back porch. There sat Tony, which comforted me. I sat next to Tony and sighed as Denis went to go party.
"I thought Brendon lived in L.A. like everyone else," I stated resting my head on Tony's shoulder.
"He does, but he throws this huge party every year at this house and everyone flies down for it." Tony said putting his head on top of mine. There was then a long pause, and then I smiled.
"I love pierce the veil, baaa." I said mimicking Tony
"Oh shut up," he laughed. I pulled out my camera and pressed record.
"Well guys, this is the party for Tony and I." I yawned
"The anti-social anxiety club," He stated
"We should see if they have a dog, it would make things better." I added
"Also, we would need cookies." Tony said yawning
"Stop yawning, you're gonna make me tired." I exclaimed holding back a yawn
"The only way to not be tired is to dance!"
I handed Tony the camera, and attempted dancing. The song changed to I Write Sins Not Tragedies and I started laughing.
"Austin and I have a dance routine to this!"
"Then show us,"Tony laughed
I smiled and did the routine to the song. Step left two times, spin, put your hands above your head and jump on a table, then step right, then left, shake your hips left then right. One the song finished Tony was laughing his ass off. The door quickly opened and then quickly shut. Josh Dun stood there panting.
"Josh are you okay?" I asked getting off the table.
"N-No..." He said with tears in his eyes
I grabbed his hand, and walked him out to the yard. He was having difficulty breathing so I told him what Austin told me.
"When I say 1 and 2 you breath in, when I say 3 and 4 you breath out." He nodded
"1 and 2," he breathed in "3 and 4." He breathed out. After five sets of this he could breathe. He looked down at his feet, and sighed.
"I'm sorry you had to deal with me," He said his voice filled with embarrassment
"It's fine Josh, come join Tony and I." I said smiling at him. He returned the smile and walked back to the porch with me. We all talked for awhile and then I sighed.
"You guys have cool tattoos, I don't have any." I frowned shivering from the cold gust of wind.
"Then, let's go get you one!" Josh suggested handing me his jacket. I slid it on, and smiled. It was really warm and smelled fruity. Tony nodded in agreement.
"Fine, lets go get me a tattoo." I giggled as both of their faces lit up.
We exited the yard by jumping the fence, and then took Tony's car. They drove me to this tattoo parlor, and then Tony grabbed my camera. I showed the guy what I wanted, and he just smiled. It was Of Mice & Men's symbol with the lyrics he wrote to me.

I laid down on the table, and pulled up the skirt to my dress only on the right side

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I laid down on the table, and pulled up the skirt to my dress only on the right side. Once the needle hit my skin I flinched. Josh held my hand as Tony filmed it. It was an annoying feeling, like a child pinching your skin over and over not stopping. The next thing I knew he put vaseline over it, and wrapped it up in plastic wrap. Once we got in the car my phone started ringing. I looked down to see the caller ID, but Tony distracted me.
"Let's go get Taco Bell and then go to my hotel!" Tony exclaimed pulling into the Taco Bell drive-in. I ordered two regular hard shell tacos and a doctor pepper. I went to go get on my phone, but it died.
"Shiz!" I yelled
"What?" Josh asked looking at me in the back seat.
"My phone died!" I sighed
We laid around Tony's hotel room eating. Josh walked over the me, and took my taco out of my mouth. He then took a bite and gave it back.
"Dude, we basically just kissed!" I laughed
Right when that happened the door swung open. Denis stood their panting, his cheeks stained by tears, and his hair messed up.
"Where the hell where you?!" He asked running over and hugging me
"I went to get a tattoo and then my phone died," I said hugging him back
"And who did you basically kiss?" He asked eyeing the boys who where on the bed
"Josh took my taco and took a bite," I said laughing akwardly
Denis then took me out of the hotel, and home. Before I got out of the car he sighed.
"Emily, I-I have to go on tour next month." He said his voice shaky.
"And I'm super stressed out so..um.."
"I don't want to put you through that pain..."
"W-We're breaking up. You are this amazing beautiful girl, and I don't wa-"
I opened up the door of the car and slipped out. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I ran. My feet hit the cold ground, and it hurt, but I just kept running. Where? I have no clue.

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