can I share my sadness ??

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Last night at 11.30 my granny have leave the world


And my bad coz at the morning i didnt check my phone after charge it.

I then go to my work place.
And doin my job like usual.

At 9.30 when theres no people at the shop i silently open both my phone and its shocking me like the world end.

Tears fall apart.

With the missed call

The whatapps message

And massage

Just to tell me that she has gone.

So i ran to my boss to tell her that my grannys passed away.

So she let me go....

And i ran to my motorcycle and go home.


Last time aku ziarah dia masa raya puasa hari tu and this ziarah tell me thatcthis is the last time i can see her face.

After recite yassin i kiss her forehead dor the last time too...

Mata aku memang kejam. How dare its cry infront of other people. Tak malu...

And the rest is history....

Aku just nk mintak korg doakan dia je...

That all.....

Tahun lepas Allah ambil tok aku yang laki belah mum...

Tahun ni moyang aku pulak..pun belah mum...

Sebab i dont have anybody dah belah dad...

Kan Allah dah janji , tiap yang hidup pasti akan merasai mati...

Me too.....

Masa je ntah bila....

Afhnan💕DamiaWhere stories live. Discover now