CH.16: TWICE?!

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"The longer you live, the more people there are who comment on your actions."
-Yehunda Amichai

I slowly retract my covers off of me and shuffle my feet to my closet; I am dredging today.
Luke is going to tell Ash today. I know it.

Luke is really getting on my nerves. Gosh.
He is following me everywhere and he is stopping on the backs of my feet. He is treating me like I don't know how to go anywhere alone.
"Would you stop that already!"
I turn around and snap at him when he steps on my feet again.

In gym we had to have partners, Luke eminently snatched my arm as Jaden was walking to me.
Finally in sixth period I had had it.
When he walked behind me to my locker I turn around
He leans against his locker. "Maybe if I could trust you I could leave you alone."
"Luke, not now and not here." I mumble rubbing my eyes mentally and physically tired.
"Would you rather me tell Ash?"
"If it means you won't use it as black mail anymore, YES!"
Luke stares at me with his arms still crossed.
He walks off.

I slowly walk to art. Ash is going to be so mad. I take a deep breath slouching walking through the crowd but I see Jaden run out of the art class, quickly look both ways and continue to run to science. I know he doesn't have a class there and has no business in there.
I slowly walk to my desk in caution and take my seat.

When I sit on the cold chair I see another note on my desk. I roll my eyes and crumple it up.
'Not going through that again'
I thought to myself.
I place the paper at the edge of my desk, all through class I couldn't pay attention, I just stared at the note.
"Alright class now we will fill in the sunset with yellow and pink, paint softly against the c..." my mind can't take not knowing what the note says anymore and finally I reach for it and I quietly un-crumple it.

"You can't even meet me without your little wall of protection.

Meet me at the comic book store after school.
I mean alone this time.
I think it would be in your best interest to come.
I still have the picture you know.

Trust me Darling, you haven't seen anything yet.


Luke said yesterday that "my choice hurts them."
But, if I don't make this choice, it will actually hurt them. They can't know I went to that party or smoked cigarettes.
If all he wants is a kiss, then fine.
I wouldn't be alive anymore anyway if they saw those photos.

I can't mess this up again.

The last bell rings and I shuffle to my locker.
"Ash, I'm heading to the library, I have a chemistry assignment due and I have to study."
"What! We have a chemistry assignment!?"
Michael stops and opens his locker face palming
"Sorry Elise, Micheal and I have band practice, Luke has basketball practice and Calum has to clean out his basement."
Ashton says putting a book in his locker and taking out a paper.
"Yeah, so?"
Ashton turns to me and takes a deep breath.
"Fine, but I want you home by 5"
I grab my board out of my locker,
"Thanks Ash!" I quickly hug him and run off.
"Text me!" He yells down the hall as I'm running.

I run down the steps of the school and set my  down and head towards to comic book store.

~Lukes POV~

"Lady's, get your head in the game." Coach yells.

"Okay that's it for today since you all are asleep."
I head for the bleachers, pull off my shirt and wipe my sweet with it.
My phone goes off and I pick it up and see its Ash.

"What's up mate?"
"Have you seen Elise? She isn't in the library"
a frantic Ashton answers.
My heart stops. Elise, what did you do?
"Ash, calm down, have you called her?"
"Oh, I haven't thought of- OF COURSE I CALLED HER!" Even in a time like this he's sarcastic.
"Is she at the house?"
"No, I already told Calum to look!"
"Ashton, calm down. Go check the school and court yard and all the boys' houses, I'll check round town."

I end the phone call and kick the bleachers.
I put my hands in my hair,
"Fuck Elise, what did you do?"
I curse under my breath.
I should've told Ash. Gosh I should've told him.
I grab my board out of my backpack and head into town, I know Elise isn't at the school, but I need to keep Ash busy.
I need to find her first; Ashton loves Elsie but when he gets mad, he tends to say things he doesn't mean.

I try to think where she would be-
I check the park, the donut shop, the community pool, and the local coffee shop.
I walk out of the coffee shop and I get a text,

"Please tell me you found her."
"No luck Ash, I'm guessing she wasn't at the school."
"Luke I'm fucking worried."
"Ashton, we will find her, don't worry. She probably went to get coffee or something and lost track of time."

I stuff my phone in my pocket and I only know of one more place to check.
Ellie, you better be in the comic book store.

I go in the store worrily, the sound of the old bell on top of the door sounds throughout the store.
I quickly scan the store, nothing.
I see a young scronny teenaged needy boy at the register. I didn't want to but I was desperate. I asked him if he had seen Jaden or Elise as I described them,
he told me they were just here a minute ago and they were they for just a second and then left.
My heart sunk.
My fears where confirmed.

I race out the door and look around, they couldn't have gone that far. I look up and see rain start to fall.
I stop and text Ashton to head home, nothing else.

I stop in my tracks when I hear Elise scream.
I race to the back of the building to see Elise pinned to the wall fighting off Jaden.

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