CH.20: University

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"Sometimes memories slip out of my eyes and roll down my cheeks."

~Still Elise's POV~

A tray is lazily slapped down on the short table in the seat infront of me and a chair screeches.
"Do you have to be so loud every single day?"
Parker asks annoyed.
Caspar shrugs his shoulders and digs his fork into his food. He shoves a whole mouth full into his face.
"That isn't healthy." Mitchell states and pushes his Glasses up the bridge of his nose.
"Leave him alone Mitch." Parker hummed.
"You guys always pick on me" Casper states, leaning back in his chair throwing his hands up.
"I don't!" Parker defenses.
"I just simply pick out your flaws." Mitch gets out before Casper sits up "that's it" Casper starts to stand but Parker holds him back.

Lady's and gents, meet, my friends.
Parker, Caspar and I left to go to Richmond University in England together.
Caspar and Parker got a small house right off campus and got a roommate, Mitchell.
Mitch is really soft and sweet, kind of a geek.

"I can't see how you can eat meat."
"Mitch, I can't see how you cant." Caspar says with his mouth full.
Mitchell takes a bite of an apple and shakes his head.

"You alright Elise?" Parker asks concerned.
I shake my head from my stare at my food.
"Yeah. why?"
"You've been staring at those peas for a half an hour."
"Yeah...not hungry." I say and push my tray from me.
"Ellie, you haven't eaten anything all day, are you sure you're alright?"
Mitchell asks, pushing his glasses up.
"Yeah, positive." I side my chair out and and pick up my tray.
"Where you going?" Casper asks.
"Dorm." I shrug, turning in the direction of the tray return.
Mitchell gasps. "Your skipping your class?!" I roll my eyes "I'm not feeling well." I simply answer and head out.

The dorms fit four people, which is two bunk beds. One of my roommates got into a sorority and moved out, one switched to another room to be with her friends, and the other dropped out. So I am alone in my dorm until next semester when three new, innocent, full of hope freshmen enters student debt.

After an hour of laying and staring at the ceiling, I give in and grab my phone. I hit the Instagram app and type 'Ashton Irwin'. I knew I shouldn't, but I scroll though the boys' pages every once and a while.
I miss them.

I haven't seen them since they left for their UK tour. They came home briefly at the very start of my senior year, but things weren't the same. I didn't even move back to the Irwin's house because at that point I was just staying full time with the Hemmings' and didn't feel like moving my stuff. I had too much homework and they were too busy practicing when they were here. Not long after they came home from the Australian tour they got sent off for a UK extension.
I completely stoped contact with them that semester.
My phone crashed and lost all of my contacts and didn't care to put their numbers back.
Sometimes I wake up and think that I'm still in high school, and that Ashton is going to wake me up.

I told Mrs Irwin I was going to Sydney University when she came a week after my graduation. She couldn't make my graduation because of flight delays. But Casper, Parker, and I switched a week after that and went to Richmond University instead. It was really me who convinced them, I guess I needed to get away from Sydney- too many memories.

If I wanted to get in touch with them I guess I could, but frankly, I don't care to.
they just left me.
And to be fair, if they wanted to, they could get in touch with me.

I shuffle my feet out of my class in the rush of people and head to dinner, but as I approach the building I make a detour and swiftly turn on my heals and head for my dorm instead, I really don't feel like eating.

I lay down but don't remember going to sleep but I do remember waking up,
mostly because it was by nerf gun darts shot by the friends that I'm about to disown.

"Stop it! Stop it!" I try to get out as I'm being tickled.
They stop and sit on the empty beds in my room.
"What are you guys doing here!?"
"You didn't come to dinner so we thought we'd check on you." Mitchell explains.
"By hitting me with darts?!"
"Basically." Parker shrugs.
"We got ice cream and chocolate back at the house, you wanna come?" Caspar invites.
"Thanks, but no thanks; sorry guys, I'm tired." I lean my head against the wall.
"Rephrased, you come or we're kidnapping you." Casper says as the boys move toward me.
"That doesn't even make any sen-"
I am interrupted by Parker picking me up and carrying me out the door, the other boys following.

"Casper, that's your fourth bowl of ice cream."
Mitchell states clicking his shoes together that barely touch the floor when sitting on the couch.

It's a small town house, but cozy. It has a good size living room/game room and two bedrooms that connect off of it. Then a kitchen to the side. Caspar and Parker share a room and Mitch has a separate.

"Shut up." Casper responds shoving another spoon into his mouth.
"Guys, I appreciate it, but I need to be going." I stand to my feet and head to put my bowl in the sink.
"Its only nine thirty!" Parker states turning his watch.
"Yeah, I need to go to bed." I rub my eyes.
"Elise, we know you miss the boys." Caspar blurts looking toward my back. Silence falls.
"It doesn't matter." I break the short silence, still facing towards the door not looking back at them.

"Yes, it does. And we aren't going to let you be alone tonight." Mitch finished.
I pause and sigh, "Guys, that's extremely generous of you all, but I honesty just want to climb in my bed.''
"Nonsense, sleep here tonight." Parker  confirms, reminding me of our high school sleepovers.
"Besides, it's raining. And we aren't going to let you out in the rain." Casper chimes in.

I rub my eyes once more,
"I appreciate it guys, I really do, but their isn't even a place for me to sl-"
I am cut off by Mitchell opening his bedroom door that you can see from the living room.
"Of course there is! See?"
I turn on my heels as I am still standing towards the door, and see an extra bed along his bedroom wall.

Parker comes up behind me and places a hand on my shoulder, "you'd be doing us a favor, poor guy is scared to death of thunder storms and one of us has to sleep in that bed every time a little mist comes through."

Later in the night we finally go to bed. I lay down looking at the ceiling when I hear Mitchell through the dark room. "Elise?"
"I'm sorry that you are away from your friends." He simply says. I sigh. "Yeah. Me too."

I wake up to unusual warmth abnormal from my cold dorm. I look around as I recognize my location, I look down and see Mitchell laying on my legs, his arms clinging around my waist.
I hear rain gently tapping on the roof, poor guy must've gotten scared last night.

The door opens and Casper and parker walk in and look at Mitch laying on me. "You didn't say he cuddles." I state.
Casper laughs "Really? Guess I forgot to mention."
I glare at him.  Troye looks at Casper "Common, let's get him off before he gets too attached ."

We all get up and try to make breakfast, not wanting another cafeteria meal but it ended up with Mitch and Parker covered in flour and Casper having cracked eggs all over his pants. I almost died from laughing until the boys ganged up on me and hugged me all at once-tired of my mockery-and we all ended up being a disgusting mix of flour and egg. We all clean up and eventually go to McDonald's instead.

I know the only reason the boys did this is because they see how homesick I am and how much I miss Ashton Calum Luke and Micheal. But it was still sweet.

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