CH.4:Seventh Grade Sand

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"Just because someone's actions were not right does not mean their intentions were wrong"    -unknown

~Ashton's POV~
**summer of 7th grade.**

I say running down the stairs into the walkie talkie That Calum, Luke, and Michael also have. They all live within walking distance from my house so within 3 mins they all barge through the front door with Their scooters.
"what! What is it? "
"Why'd you turn off your walkie talkie?! "
"This better not be something stupid like last time. We don't care that you found a potato chip that looks like Beyoncé"
"hey, that potato chip was better than your rash that-" all the boys talk as they stumble in.

"Listen!" I yell.
"are you going to tell us or not mate!" Luke asks.
"WHAT! When?"
"are you serious!"

"yes, I'm serious; no, I'm not kidding; and she's coming tomorrow morning."
"we have to go finish our castle so we can show Elise!" Micheal says as he runs up the stairs.

We all run upstairs behind him to the playroom and start to build with our legos.
We spend all night on our castle and They all end up spending the night.

"Michael! Get up!" All three of us try to turn him over.
"mhhm" he pulls a pillow over his face.
I roll my eyes. "Else's flight lands in am hour."
He shoots out of my bed that we all piled on and throws on some clothes.

"do you see her?" Calum asks eagerly trying to look over the crowd.
"No. But her flight has already landed...thanks to somebody." I drag out and glare at Michael who made us late.
"There she is!" Luke yells and starts to run and we run behind him.
We all go into a group hug, accidentally knocking Elise to the ground. We quickly get up and say sorry. We hug again but gently.
"I really should start to come more prepared." She laughs.

Michael breaks the hug and runs up to mom.
"Can we go to the beach?" Michael asks eagerly.
"You guys can go ahead, I'm exhausted." Elie sighs.
"You had the whole flight to sleep and you're tired?" Calum asks and crosses his arms.
"You know I don't like sleeping on planes." Elise shrugs her shoulders.

On the way home she falls asleep leaning against me. We go to my house and run upstairs, Elise holds onto the railing and I hold her hand and lead her up the stairs since she is walking like a zombie.

Calum, Luke, and Michael end up spending the night so we all sleep speed out on the couch watching 'Honted House' because we can't watch Scarry moves when Elise is awake. I am so glad Ellie got to come a little early. We never get to spend the summer with her and we get board really quickly.

The next day we play with Legos and lose track of time, when it was almost sunset we decided to ride our penny boards to the shore since it was dusk.
We just watched the sunset and built a couple sandcastles.

When it gets a little darker we sit on the sand in silence until Calum bluntly asks "Hey what happens in high school?" "I don't know man, more homework? Girls? Sports?" Micheal laughs

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When it gets a little darker we sit on the sand in silence until Calum bluntly asks "Hey what happens in high school?"
"I don't know man, more homework? Girls? Sports?" Micheal laughs.
Calum shakes his head "not what I meant"
"What do you mean?" I ask rubbing off some sand off my legs.
"I mean- Elise are you going to be here? What about after.. you know, school. Then what?"
Elsie sits back.
"I haven't really thought about it. I would hope to stay here. Summers in America without you guys suck." She emphasizes. I guess we've never asked her how her summers are. That's a question for a different time.

We sit in silence for a little longer before I break it this time.
"What if we promised to graduate together, and go to University together after? We can all go to Sydney U!"
The boys nod and we pinkie promise.



We walk the hallways on the first day of seventh grade, all of us looking through our school schedules.

"I cannot believe this schedule." Calum grunts as we look for our lockers.
"I know! What happened to snack in between 3rd and 4th period that we had in elementary!" Michael says flipping through the pages,
"Michael, I wasn't talking about food,
They literally gave us a binder!" He says flipping through the binder we were handed with class schedule, lunch menus, home rooms, locker numbers, club lists, school calendar, syllabus', etc.
"Wait! '399' Guys this is my locker"
Luke says stopping turning to a locker near the end of the hallway.
We all flip to the beginning of our binders to find our locker number.
"Wait, I'm 401."
"No way, I'm 400"
"Guys! There's no way, I'm 402!"

We stand in a line facing our lockers, holding our binders in our hands. we are near the end of the near empty hallway since we are so early.

We turn to each other, "How in the heck did we get lockers all next to each other

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We turn to each other, "How in the heck did we get lockers all next to each other." Elise finally speaks.
Luke coughs. "I-um, mayhavehackedtheschool"
Luke breaths out while opening his locker.
I turn to him slowly as my locker is next to his.
"You. did. What."
"I pulled some strings" he says and shrugs.
We all start to open our lockers, "By pulled you mean hack? And by strings you mean computers?" I ask while standing on my tip toes to put something in the top of my locker, that Luke grabs and puts it up there for me.
"How many times have we told you not to hack things." Calum rolls his eyes. "Well excuse me you can have your locker beside that nerd in gym that never wears deodorant, cause that's who you were beside." Luke sasses. "fair enough" Calum sighs.

"wait who did I have beside me?" Elise asks.
"Doesn't matter." Luke says quickly. "Luke..." she drags. "Jadon Broxton." He finally answers, and the thought of her having to be beside him made my fists clench.
Jadon always bullies Elise and I really don't feel like getting in trouble for beating him up.

"Then I take it back Luke, thank you" I say while closing my locker. Elise puts her final book in her locker and closes it while rolling her eyes.
We start to walk down the hall still flipping through our binder schedule's.
"WHAT! Guys look they have a lego club!" Michael shouts.
"We all have to join!" Calum gleams
We sign up for the lego club and run to homeroom.

"We all have to join!" Calum gleams We sign up for the lego club and run to homeroom

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