CH.22 : Reconsider?

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"Missing someone and not being able to see them is perhaps the single most painful thing known to man." -Nathanael Richmond

~Elises POV~

"Elise! Did you hear me?"
I snap from my space stare and my thoughts are brought back to the library. I've been back at university for a month or so from visiting the boys. I thought it would help my homesickness but it just made me miss them more now.
"Oh, sorry." I say and shake my head out of my daydream.
"I said, are you alright. You look like something's on your mind." Caspar asks looking up from his computer.

Caspar has been clingy ever since I got back from Fall break, especially when he found out that the boys asked me to go on tour with them. He wasn't too happy that the boys want back in my life at all.

"No, just tired." I lie and pull my sleeves over my fingers.
He just glares at me as the others sit around our usual table.

My phone buzzes while the others are
concentrated on their all different conversations.
I look down at my phone and see it's a Skype from Ashton. I quietly stand and quickly walk out. Well, as fast as one can wobble on crutches.

I quickly hit the accept button and see Ashton pop up on the screen.

"Hey! How's it going?"
"Ash, what are you doing? You're on tour-"
"So? That doesn't mean I can't talk to my sister."
I freeze when he calls me this, a name he used to call me all the time.
"Why don't you have a jacket? Its like 30° over there!" He asks when I don't respond.
"I- left it in my dorm." I quietly answer.
"But you aren't wareing one either!" I finish.
"Im inside Elise" he chuckles and I can't help but smile.

"Listen, Ellie, have you considered our proposal anymore?" He says changing the subject very quickly.
I take a deep breath and fog shows by my breath.
"Yeah. I have-"
"Ash I just need more time, I-I don't know what to do okay?"
"I've been away from you for almost two years, I can't do this anymore-"
"Listen, I'm still- I'm still deciding, okay? I haven't made up my mind yet."

"What?" I hear a shaking voice behind me. I look over my shoulder then back at Ash.
"I've gotta go-" I rudly hang up and turn around and freeze.
There stands Caspar, hurt in his eyes staring right at me.

"Deciding what?" He asks firmly cutting me off.
"DecidING WHAT."
He says firmer when I don't respond.
"You told me you turned them down!"
"I-I did."
"So why are they asking you again!?"
"Because they miss me"
I quietly say.

Caspar just stands in shock, I would have thought he passed out standing up if it wasn't for the smoke from the cold coming out of his mouth every so often.

He walks up and reaches for my hand and takes a step closer so he is right dead infront of me.
"You're not really considering it, are you?"
He says gently playing with my finger tips but never losing eye contact.

"Caspar, I don't know what I'm doing, I have so much stress from uni, throw a relationship in the mix, and the boys to top it off. I- Caspar I have no idea whether it's night or day-"

"Elise. Please, this is alot of stress on me too, just, please tell me-
Just Tell me you're not leaving."
I look away trying to avoid eye contact.
"I won't go, ok." I sigh.
He quickly hugs me right.
"I just don't want them hurting you again. They left you Elise." He mumbles into my hair.

After a long day of lectures, math problems, and stubborn professors,
I eminently flop on my hard dorm room bed.
I lay and stare at the ceiling and twist the promise ring Caspar gave me on my finger.

I feel like I am having to choose between Casper and the boys. That's not fair.

I hear my phone and extend my arm to grab it, I hold it above my face and see it's a Skype from Micheal, I take it by surprise as Micheal usually texts.

I accept and see Lukes hair going up and down, a second later it zooms out and I see Luke face sweating and running with screams in the background, the screen fly's to the left and I see Luke panting with a brick wall behind him while he looks to his right.
He notices that I'm staring and smiles.
"Think I lost 'em with this ally."
"What was that?" I ask sitting up.
"Just fans." He calmly answers.
"Just fans?"
He just smiles and slides down the brick wall.
''why are you running from them, I mean, how? Don't you have security guards?"
"Yeah, but, the boys all went out to get food, I stayed and played video games. I wanted to meet the fans outside but my phone was dead so I grabbed Michael's and headed out, but, they kinda started attacking. It's really sad that I can't just hang with them without security."
He says and takes a deep breath.

"So, in the middle of running for your life, you decide it's a good time to call me?" I ask.
"Hardy-har-har. I already called you when I was meeting them and I was going to introduce you, then- well, it turned."
I kinda do a half laugh and so does he, he smiles then turns serious.
"Ashton already called me you don't have to say it" I laugh. "Well i wasn't calling to convince you, I was calling to say don't be mad at me."
"Why would I be mad at you?"
"...I booked your flight."
"LUKE!" I throw my head back in disbelief.
"WHY WOULD YOU-" "listen listen- I know you said you havent decided and we don't mean to be pushy, but please realize we just really miss you." He quickly says.
"I know Luke. But I-I just know if-"
I hear screaming girls in the background again.
"I gotta go. I'll text you the ticket. We hope you take the flight."
The call ends.

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