Ch.28: Diner Conversations

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"I feel like I have a new life and I am going to take full advantage of it"
-William Green

I feel the rough cheap sheets and see the lights shinning on my eyes and I shoot up in bed in panic not knowing where I am. Parker shoots up as well when I do this and it all comes back to me.
"What's wrong?" He asks when I just sit there."
"Oh. Nothing." I brush it off.
"You're crazy. Out of your mind. crazy."
He slowly states.
"I've been called worse." I shrug.
"You've had better comebacks."
"You've been nicer."
We sit staring at each other for a while in silence.
"I guess we are related." He says and chuckles. He gets up and changes his shirt as I sit on the hard spring bed. Looking at the dust in the air as the morning light shines through the cheap thin window blinds.

"So...what now?"
"Well, we could look for your four knights in shining armor that lost you in the first place, fly the furthest away from yo- our mother as possible, or change our names and get a job at the local petting zoo, but I think our best option is to eat breakfast."  
He says putting the shirt over his head.
"Yeah. I like the last one."

"Parkerrrr I'm hungryyyy we've been driving for hours" I drag out. he chuckles "it's only been 15 minutes. Elise we are in the middle of nowhere it's going to take a while to find a restaurant."
we finally found a humble pancake restaurant on the side of the road. We walk in and a little bell goes off from the door. I look up and see the bell is barely being held by a thread. besides a creepy guy in the back reading a book with a bathtub on the cover, the place is empty.

"Do you think this is smart?" I ask looking out of the window. He looks back threatened as he sits down, the floor screeches, "What do you mean, 'is this smart'? We are eating. Best freaking idea I've had in a long time actually."
"No, I mean, can't mom track us?"
"If I used my credit card they gave me, yes. But they don't think I'm smart enough to find an ATM machine and get cash."
"What do you use at an ATM?"
"A credit ca- well- I did it way before we left town so tracking it won't do any good."
"But Parker, where's the money?"
"I put it in my jacket-" he reaches for his side, but there's no jacket.
He stares in silence then stands up,
"Well, I'm going to jump off a cliff. it was nice knowing you."
I yank his arm as he walks past me. "Relax it's not time to do that yet. The boys make me carry around cash." I say as I reach in my polo jacket and pull out a wad of cash.
Parker looks down at the wad and picks it up.
"You just happen to carry this much cash on you?" He asks looking up at me pointing the cash at my face.
I nod.
"Please tell me you didn't rob a bank. We have enough people we're running from I really don't want to add cops to that list."
"Parker no, I didn't rob a bank. The boys just make me carry cash on me for safety I guess.
And besides, it's not that much." I say grabbing it from him.
"How much exactly is 'not that much' to you?" He mocks.
"Says the boy who wanted to drive a Lamborghini to the motel."
He glares at me and raises an eye brow.
"Only six hundred." I mumble, stuffing the cash back in my pocket. "SIX HUNDRED?!"
The waiter from across the room glares at us. Parker sees this. "Shhh!! The waiter already probably thinks we just robbed a bank." I say shushing him.

"You just happen to carry six hundred on you?!" He whisper/ yells.
"Yes! I thought we just established that!"
"Have I told you you're crazy?!" He quickly responds.
"Once or twice." I shrug.

We ate and talked a lot, and a laugh here and there. We talked about how crazy our childhood was. We talked about are insane parents.
We talked about the moments of childhood that for a second in time were normal.
"S-so the camel spit on your moms head-" I say as I burst out laughing. "Yeah" he says then caved in to laughing as well. "That was the last day of being normal I had." He says gaining his composure. "We went to that zoo a week before mom died." He trails off in a sad tone.
"Wow." I mumble. "I remember the week before dad left we had family pictures made on the beach. we walked on it and mom carried me. I miss that mom. So bad. After that she wasn't the same person. It was like someone had taken her body." Comfortable silence stays for a while until Parker breaks it.

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