CH.5: 'Cults' and Crushes

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"It hurts to love someone and not be loved back, but the most painful thing is to love someone and have to pretend that you don't."
-Marcelle Duke

Ashton's POV (14 years old)

A week of eighth grade has past and I'm feeling it.
I'm pretty sure my homework caused deforestation.

I hear the last bell ring for the week and me and my class start to pack our books up.

"Wait! The bell does not dismiss you, I do!" My History teacher says turning his head from writing on the bored,
"Then what the fuck is the bell for!?"
Xavier says standing up slamming a book down on his desk.

Xavier and the teacher argued until he sent him to the headmaster's office.

I go to my locker and the crew-pack-gang-cult- whatever you want to call them- were already there.
"What took you so long? What happened?" Micheal asks.
"Xavier. Xavier happened." "Ooh."they all say.

I could tell Elise was feeling the pressure too,
At dinner she barely ate anything:
"May I be excused?" "You've barely ate anything dear." My mom states concerned.  "I'm just not hungry."
She went upstairs and I followed not long behind.

I walked in and I saw her head jerk up from her desk from where she had fell asleep doing homework.
"Elise. Go to bed." I say reaching over to turn her lamp off.
"Ashton, I can't. I have a paper, three quizzes, and a major test tomorrow."
"Its not worth your sanity."
" I won't be up for that much lon-"
"Thirty minutes." I cut her off.
"You're exhausted and its only the second week of school, you need to rest or you're gonna crash."
"Ash, I'm not going to cra-"
"Thirty minutes."

An hour later, after arguing I finally make Elise go to bed.
A few hours later I am woken up by a teary eyed Elie.
"Ash-" *snuff* I shoot up in my bed and saw Elsie standing there
"Did you have a nightmare?"
I accidentally sinker at the end.
She nods her head embarrassed.
"Aww..come'ere." I pull up the covers and she slides into my bed. I pull the covers over her. I start to sing 'Isn't she lovely', I stop when I think she is asleep.
She looks up at me, with still bloodshot eyes, "Sing it again." I do as she says and kiss her head when she finally goes to sleep.

"Do you guys want to come to my house after school?" I say as we run up the hall and stop at our lockers. "Uh actually I was thinking we could go to the comic book store" Calum suggests. "Yeah! I've been meaning to- Ellie are you ok?" Micheal stops mid sentence with caution in his voice looking behind him which causes us to look behind us at Ellie standing in the hall staring into space. "Elise?" Calum asks when she doesn't respond and she closes her eyes and looks as if she's in pain. She starts to breath really hard and starts to look around frantically. "Elie!" I leap toward her and hug her "guys she's having a panic attack go get the nurse." I say calmly. "It's ok Elise, eveything is fine" I whisper as she starts to hyperventilate.

"Elise?" I ask cracking our bedroom door. She looks up from her phone laying on her bed. "How are you feeling?" I ask stepping in and setting my backpack down cautiously. Elise hyperventilated so much at school that she blacked out while I was holding her by the time the school nurse got there. Mom came and took her to the doctor.

She made me go back to class but it didn't do any good, me and the boys didn't pay any attention after Elise blacked out  and we had no update.

"The whole school saw me black out in the hall then I had to leave to go to the doctors just for them to tell me I have anxiety and give me stupid meds I have to take. How do you think Ash?"
She snaps setting her phone in front of her slightly sitting up. "I'm sorry." I mumble sitting down beside her. She sighs.

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