The love they were looking for

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Mariana dragged Callie to get her prom gown. Callie was really nervous around all of the high-end dresses. She was only shopping for a gown because she was going to prom, with Brandon. Callie ended up getting a violet, mid thigh, slightly layered dress. Even though she didn't like dresses she liked this particular one.

Tonight was the night. They were going to prom. Mariana was doing Callie's makeup and Brandon was searching for Stef so she could tie his tie. Once his tie was tied and Mariana finally finished Callie's tie they started downstairs. Brandon waited at the bottom of the stairs for his beautiful girlfriend. Callie came out of her and Mariana's room and started down the stairs. When Brandon saw her his breath caught in his throat and he was froze... except for the smile that tugged at the corns of his lips. He was checking her out and Callie knew that. She smiled as she stepped down from the stairs. Brandon pulled a corsage out of his pocket and placed it on her wrist. "It's beautiful," Callie gasps. "It still doesn't compare to you," Brandon says to her. Callie smiled shyly.

The moms walked with huge smiles, "oh you two look amazing!" "Thanks mom," Brandon says. "Picture time!" Lena screeched. Brandon wraps his arms around Callie's waist, from behind, and smiled. Callie placed her hands over Brandon's and smiled. After all the pictures they got in the car and drive to prom.

When they got to prom Brandon and Callie intertwined fingers and went inside. The theme was like Valentine's day. There're wee paper hearts everywhere, a dim red light shining, red and pink balloons tied to every chair, etc. it was amazing. Brandon and Callie danced to a few songs then sat at a table and watched everyone else and what they did.

When a slow song came on Brandon stood up and extends his hand to Callie, "mag I have this dance?" "Yes you may," Callie said taking his hand and standing up. Benson lead her to the dance floor and placed his hand on her waist and lifted the other in the air. Callie lightly grasped his shoulder blade and placed her hand in his. They dance just like at Mariana's quince. They had smiles on their faces as they continues to dance the night away. At the last song Callie had both hands around his neck and her head on his chest. Brandon had his hands on her waist and his chin lightly resting on her head. After the song ended they walked outside to leave with mile wide smiles on their faces.

When they got outside they saw Talya. She was slouched onto her prom date... obviously drunk. Talya saw them and clumsily made her way to them, "hey guys! Did you know this quote, 'When life gives u lemonade make lemons... life will be like what?!?!' " "Hey Talya are you ok?" Brandon asks seeing her nearly fall over. "Ya I'm totally fine," she slurred. "No you're not," Callie looks into the redheads eyes. "Ya we're driving you home," Brandon says. Callie places Talya's arm over her shoulder. Brandon does the same and they walk her to the car.

Talya gets in the back seat and Callie and Brandon get up front. Brandon and Callie drive Talya home and make sure she gets inside safely. When they get back in the car Brandon says out of the blue, "I lied to you... once." "When?" Callie was shocked. "When I told you that I didn't breakup with Talya because of you," Brandon smirks lightly. Callie smiles, "I knew it." Brandon and Callie kiss and drive home from their wonderful prom night.

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