The love hey were looking for

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"Liam," Callie whispered as she felt her eyes burn with tears. She immediately blinked them back refusing to show fear to him. "That's right," Liam evilly smirks. "Why are you here? Why are you doing this?" Callie used everything she had to keep a brave face and her voice strong. "Oh don't be so harsh babe," Liam places his hands on Callie's shoulders. Callie jerks away and stands facing Liam, "don't you dare put your damn hands on me... ever!" "C'mon don't be that way... you know what I could do... don't you?" Liam looks her up and down. Just as Callie's about to snap back at him she is interrupted, "yes but I'll be making sure that doesn't happen to anyone in this house... well except you, prison maybe." Callie looks behind Liam to see Brandon. A wave of relief washed over Callie.

Liam turned around and looked at Brandon, "oh look if it isn't the piano nerd." "Don't talk to him like that," Callie says through gritted teeth. "Oh look who needs his girlfriend to fight his battles," Liam says. "At least I truly love her. You are just the pig who raped her. Nobody will ever love you and you don't know how to love anyone," Brandon says, arms crossed. "Watch what you say geek," Liam growls. "He's not a geek. He's smart something you'll never be nor understand," Callie scoffs. "Did you just call me stupid," Liam quickly turns back to Callie. "Well it was implied... I'm surprised you understood," Callie challenges.

Brandon gives Callie a look says that she needs to be careful of what buttons she presses. She just nods. Liam sees them interacting and turns to punch Brandon. Just as Liam's fist nears Brandon's face he dodges the punch and uses it as an opportunity. He kicks him where the sun don't shine and ran to Callie, "are you ok?" "Yes I'm fine," she says as Brandon pulls her in for a hug. "You may be fine physically but what about emotionally?" Brandon says into her hair. "I'm better now that you're holding me," Callie hides her fave in his chest.

"If this love feat is over... I think I'll be taking what I came for," Liam says lifting himself off the ground. "You're human decency?" Callie growls. "Ooh feisty, save that for later," Liam slowly starts walking toward Callie.

Liam soon reached Callie. He grabbed her arms and tried to pull her with him. She tried to pull her arm away. Brandon immediately punched Liam knocking him to the ground. Brandon swiftly picked Callie up bridal style and ran up to their room. He shut the door and locked it. He pulled out his phone and called his mom telling her what happened. Stef said she would be there in a minute with backup and to sit tight. Brandon set Callie down on his bed and looked her over, "are you ok? Did he hurt you?" "Brandon I'm fine... I'm ok," she pulled him into an airtight hug, "I just really need you right now." Brando hugs back and relaxed slightly knowing she is okay.

Soon there was a bang on their door, "OPEN UP!" Callie clung to Brandon and hid her face in his chest. Liam hit the door again, "I SAID OPEN UP!" Brandon just held Callie close. He hoped his mom would be home soon.

As Liam was about to hit the door again Stef and a few other, fellow, police officers busted through the front door.

It all happens so quickly; the cops bragging in, Liam being arrested, a police car driving off with Liam in back, Callie and Brandon giving their statements, Stef making sure her family was safe before going to the station to file the report.

"So do you still want to watch a movie?" Callie asks once everyone is gone. "Sure," Brandon starts up the movie. He and Callie snuggle up on the couch. "Cal I so happy you're ok," Brandon kisses her forehead. "I'm glad you were here... I love you," Callie smiles. "I promise... for you... I'd go anywhere in the world... as long as you were safe because I love you more than life itself," Brandon lightly kisses her and they fall asleep watching the movie.

~~~the next day~~~

Callie woke up to hear the melody of the piano. She looked around the room to see that she was in Brandon's bed. She looked in the direction of the keyboard and saw Brandon playing a soft melody. Instead of interrupting she just sat and listened. Soon the song ended but Callie wished it could have gone on forever, "could you play it again?" "Huh," Brandon spun around, startled, "sorry did I wake you?" "No it's fine. That was beautiful," Callie smiles. "Well it was written for a beautiful girl," Brandon smiles. "And who would that be?" Callie aka sit timing up. "You," Brandon smiles. "God I love you," Callie's smile broadens. "By the way Liam is back in prison... for a long long time," Brandon looks into Callie's eyes. Callie sighed in relief, "then I guess we should enjoy this wonderful day."

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