The love they were looking for

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Today everybody was out except for Callie and Brandon. They were on the couch watching tv. Callie wasn't really interested in the show. All she could think about was that the house was empty and they were watching tv. Callie took this as an opportunity.

She threw her leg around Brandon and straddled his lap. She then crashed her lips to his. The kiss was passionate, fast, and heated. Callie then began kissing down his jaw until she got to his neck. When she got to his neck she began to suck on it. Brandon took charge and brought Callie's lips back to his. After a few heated kisses went to her sweet spot on her neck. He stood up Callie still straddling him and went up to got to his room. Once they got into his room he fell on the bed with Callie still wrapped around his lap. She mined when he sucked on her sweet spot. She brought his lips back to hers. "I got lonely," she whispers into his mouth. Then crashes her lips to his. She stuck her tongue in his mouth. She moved her tongue along his entire mouth. He then pushed his tongue in her mouth to do the same.csllie pushed him down on the bed and pulled off his shirt in the process. Callie moans into his mouth. Before they could go any further they were interrupted by the door opening. Jesus. "Hey Bran do- woah sorry," he said backing out of the room. By then they had stopped kissing and were just stunned. Brandon threw his shirt back on and have Callie one more kids. They both stood up and walked out the door. "Um... Jesus what did you need?" Brandon asks when he sees Jesus in the hall. "I was wondering if you had a book I could borrow," Jesus said which shocked Brandon and Callie. "You, reading a book?" Callie asks, still shocked. "No... my desk chair is wabling," Jesus explains offended that they would even think he would read a book. "Sure man," Brandon says stepping in his room and coming out with a book from his bookshelf. "Thanks," Jesus says as he walks away.

Callie pulls Brandon back into his room and locks the door. "Now where were we?" She asks pushing him onto the bed.

~~~Monday morning~~~

When the kids were going through their morning classes Callie felt like something was missing... more like someone. Callie didn't have many classes with Brandon in the morning and she really missed him. She missed him wrapping his arms around her, him kissing her, and his touch at all. During spring break she had gotten used to being able to be with him whenever she wanted but now they were back in school and it sucks. Brandon feels the same way. They just want to be together whenever possible.

They planned to meet up at the beach during lunch. Callie sat down on the beach and closed her eyes breathing in the smell of the ocean water. The wind was blowing her hair back. "Hey beautiful," Brandon says which caused Callie to open her eyes. "Hello handsome," she said back. Brandon sat down next to her and she laid her head on his should as she took a bite of her sandwich. "So how's your morning going?" Brandon asked kissing her head. "I miss being able to be with you whenever I want to be... I miss you," Callie says looking up at Brandon. "I miss you too. It's hard not being around you every second of everyday. It's hard not to look at your beautiful face. It's just... hard," Brandon says looking at Callie with that... look. The look that makes Callie's inside feel like they are melting. Callie looks right back at him. Then he leans in and kisses her. With that they eat their lunches in a comfortable silence.

~~~after school~~~

After school Brandon and Callie went to the music room. When they got their Brandon sat at the piano bench and Callie sat on th stool. "I wrote you a song," Brandon says like it's an everyday occurrence. "REALLY?!?!?" Callie exclaims. This causes Brandon to laugh, "ya really." Then he starts to play. It's a beautiful melody. Callie feels happy tears forming in her eyes. Then he stops and she wishes it lasted longer. "That was absolutely beautiful," Callie says wiping away stray tears. "Why are you crying?" Brandon asked concern detected in his voice. "Nobody has ever done something this amazing for me before," Callie explains as Brandon walks toward her. He walks between her legs and kisses her. Then they are interrupted by the music room door opening. Talya. "Oh um I didn't realize," she says looking at the couple. "Ummm," Brandon wasn't sure what to tell his ex-girlfriend. "I knew there was something between you two," she says blankly with a little matter of fact in her voice, "I'm not mad." This shocked them. When Talya saw their shocked faces she said, "I knew it would happen... especially when we broke up... so I already had time to get mad and time to get over it." This really shocked them. Talya let out a giggle. "R-really?" Callie asked worried that she would tell the entire school about Liam. She still wasn't happy about her reading her journal. "Yes... really," she said with a smile. "Thank you, Talya," Brandon said grabbing Callie's hand. "You two are welcome but try to keep the PDA to a minimum around me please," she said with a playful smirk. "Sure thing," Callie said as talya turned and left.

"Well that was interesting," Brandon said turning back to Callie. "Yes it was," Callie says leaning in and kissing him.

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