The love they were looking for

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Today was the day Callie testified against Liam in court. She knew it would be hard but the fact that Brandon was there to support her somehow lifted a lot of weight off her shoulders. Now she is swearing to tell the truth. "Callie, you swore to tell the truth and now I want an answer did Liam Olmstead rape you?" The prosecuted asked. "You want the truth well the truth is yes Liam Olmstead raped me. Not only did he force me to have sex with him but he was 19 and I was only 14 years old. He knows what he did to me and no matter what the outcome of the trial is I want it on record that he is rapist," with that the judge told Callie she could step down and she went and sat with Brandon, Jude, and the rest of the Fosters. "I love you, Callie," Brandon whispered to her. "I love you too," she said as she grabbed his hand.

~~~the jury's verdict~~~

"We find the defendant guilty," a member of the jury announced. The crowd cheered and Liam looked pissed off. Brandon pulled Callie in for a kiss when Liam saw he was even angrier. "Bitch I'll get you one day!" Liam yelled. "Court officers remove the defendant," the judge demanded. With that Brandon and Callie left the court house, hand in hand. The rest of the Fosters and Jude soon followed after them.

~~~that night~~~

Since Liam was now in jail and couldn't get to Callie the Fosters celebrated. Callie was so happy. Not only was her rapist gone out of her life but she could also start live her life like a normal teenager. Ever since the incident with Liam Callie has always had to look over her shoulder but now she can look forward towards the future. She hopes that future will have the man of her dreams... Brandon. "Congrats!" Mariana said has she hugged Callie. "Thanks Mariana," Callie says as she hugs her back.

~~~later that night~~~

Callie snuck into Brandon's room. When she got into his room he pulled her into a hug. "Callie I love you more than life itself. Today you were so brave. At first I thought you were going to hide in your shell but you stayed out and fought. I didn't think it was possible to fall even further in love with you until now. I now know that if you were taken from my life my life would leave with you. You are my life," by the end Callie had happy tears running down her cheeks. He planted his lips on hers. Their lips moved in sync like were one. Their tongues danced together not missing a single beat.

Callie fell on the bed and pulled Brandon down with her. Brandon was on top of her. He moved his lips down to her jaw and sucked lightly. He remember her sweet spot and sucked on it. She moaned his name. That only encouraged him. He ran his tongue along the spot and she moaned and bit her lip so she didn't yelp. Callie's hands were knotted in his hair trying to pull him closer. She reached for the hem of his shirt and pulled it off of him. He them did the same to her. He removed her bra. She pulled her pants off as he sucked on her neck. She reached for his pants button and pull off his pants.

That night was filled with love. The kind of love that a persons life revolves around. A love they can't live without. Callie wore Brandon's shirt to bed. She snuggled into Brandon, one of the people that makes her feel safe. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead. They quickly fell asleep in each other's arms.

~~~the next morning~~~

When Brandon woke up Callie was still wrapped in his arms which made him smile. Almost like on auto pilot Callie nuzzled her head into the crook of his neck. Her breath on his neck made him let out a shaky breath. Even them being so close she still made him nervous as ever. He breathed in her sent and smiled. Callie's eyes fluttered open and kissed Brandon's neck. "Good morning to you too," Brandon said with a smirk. "You're awake?" Callie hasn't realized he was already awake. "Yep. You wanna head downstairs to get some breakfast?" Brandon asked as he sat up. "Sure but I think we should put some clothes on first," Callie said with a smile.

They stood up and put their pjs back on so it looks like they slept in clothes. Brandon turned around and realized Callie was wearing his sweatshirt. That made him smile. "Nick sweatshirt, babe," Brandon said with a smirk. Callie blushed, "do you mind?" "Of course not I love that you are comfortable wearing my sweatshirt," he said as he leaned down and kissed her softly.

They headed downstairs to get some breakfast. When they got downstairs everyone was down already. "Good morning sweets," Stef says when she looks up from the newspaper. Callie and Brandon get some pancakes and juice. Once everyone finishes eating the moms tell them to go get ready because they're all going to the beach.

When Brandon came downstairs his breath got caught in his throat when he saw Callie in a bright yellow bikini. Callie turned and saw Brandon frozen with his mouth hanging open a little. When she realized he was check her out she began to blush like crazy. "Like what you see?" She asked breaking him out of his thoughts. "Wh- what... um ... you look beautiful," he stuttered out. "TIME TO LEAVE!" Stef yelled. "C'mon lover boy," Callie said as she grabbed Brandon's hand and pulled him to the car.

~~~at the beach~~~

When they got to the beach Jesus and Jude ran straight to the water. Stef, Lena and Mariana laid down on beach chairs to tan. Callie and Brandon put on sunblock and started to head towards the water. When they got there the cold water splashed Callie's legs, "OH THAT'S COLD!" "You just need to get your entire body wet," Brandon explained. "Wait Brandon NO!" Callie yelled as he picked her up and ran deeper. Once they were chest deep he threw her in. When she was under water she grabbed his legs and pulled him under. When he was under she pecked his lips and went back up. Brandon soon followed after.

"I can't believe you did that!" Callie said as she playfully pushed his shoulder. "Can you throw me too?" Jude asked hopefully. "Sure bud," Brandon said as he picked up Jude and threw him a few feat. Callie was so happy that her to favorite people got along so well. "Can you throw me?" Jesus joked. "Ya-no I don't think I could lift that much," Brandon joked right back. "Boys your both pretty but we need to handle this responsibly... CHICKEN FIGHT!" Callie yells. With that Brandon puts Callie on his shoulders and Jesus puts Jude on his shoulder. "ON YOUR MARKS, GET SET, GO!!!" Callie and Jude yelled.

The Love They Were Looking ForWhere stories live. Discover now