The love they were looking for

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"Hey babe," Brandon said walking into his and Callie's room. "Hey B," Callie said looking at the ceiling from Brandon's bed. "Can you believe we have less than a year until we graduate?" Brandon says excitedly, "and go to college!" "What college would want a girl with a record that spells trouble," Callie says. It was barely audible but Brandon heard, "Cal I thought you said you wouldn't talk down on yourself anymore." "I know it's just that I don't have that much time to be thinking about colleges. What about you... where do you want to go?" Callie asks. "Juilliard," Brandon says and lays down next to Callie. "You mean... New York?" Callie thought he wouldn't leave her but knew he had to do what was best for himself. "Uh... ya. I was wondering if you would... um... well could you... send in an application?" Brandon was nervous. "But I'm not some advanced musician or advanced anything really," Callie said and curled up next to Brandon. "You have straight A's and no discipline problems after the whole foster dad thing," Brandon grabs her hand. "But what if you get in and I don't," Callie choked out. "I don't know but Callie I'm never leaving you... ever. Remember I don't break promises especially to the one I love the most in the world," Brandon squeezed her hand. "But B you need to do what's best for you. It's your future and although I'll miss you Juilliard is your dream and could give you an amazing future that you can't find just anywhere," Callie says trying not to cry. "But I don't have a future if I don't have you," Brandon says, his eyes meeting hers. That was it for Callie, she broke down and Brandon pulled her to him.

Brandon just held her for what seemed like an hour. Callie had broke down like this before and Brandon knew it was serious. He held her as close as he could and whispered sweet thighs to her. Eventually she calmed down and looked up at him. He looked into her eyes. They were red and puffy from crying but he still thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world. "Callie, I would give up anything and everything if it meant you would be in my life. I don't care what anyone else says. If going to Juilliard means leaving you it isn't worth it. I know you're going to say that you support whatever I choose and that means you have to support that I choose you," Brandon said. "But Brandon if you choose me you be at the school you so desperately deserve. I can't do that to you. I can't let you throw away that opportunity.but means so much to you," Callie protests. "But you mean more than Juilliard," Brandon caresses her cheek, "plus you could just try to get in and if you do we go, if you don't we don't go." "Ok but I'm still afraid to leave California," Callie whispers. "That doesn't have to be decided just yet. We have time," Brandon kissed her forehead.

~~~one week later~~~

It was Saturday and nobody was home except Callie. Stef was at work, Lena was at the mall with Mariana Jude was with his new boyfriend, Connor, Jesus was out with his new girlfriend Isabella, and Brandon was at piano lessons with the grim reaper. Callie felt lonely as she sat around the house nothing to do. She wondered what it would feel like if Brandon went to college without her. Even the thought made Callie's eyes water.

At about 3:00pm Brandon came home, "Callie!" Callie heard Brandon and ran into his arms. "Woah!" Brandon said from the burst of impact. "I'm gonna apply to Juilliard," Callie says with a smile. Brandon grabbed her by her waist and twirled her around, "I'm do happy. What changed your mind?" "I was home alone... away from you for only 3 hours and it sucked. I couldn't even imagine being away from you for 4 years even with visits," Callie says and kissed Brandon passionately. When hey pulled away they were breathless. Brandon rested his forehead on Callie's and just looked into her eyes.

Brandon roughly grabbed Callie's waist and smashed his lips to hers. She smile against his kiss. Brandon picked Callie up and threw her onto the couch. He straddled her legs and pinned her hands above her head. He started to tickle her and she squirmed while laugh. "Bra- brandon! St- stop! Ple-please! I'm g- gonna pee my pa- pants!!" Callie says between laughs. "On one condition," Brandon says and stops tickling her. "What?" Callie asks like a little kid. "Hhhmmm, how about you meet me in the shower in 5," Brandon says with a smirk. Callie decided to tease him, "nope!" "Then ill Jair have to tickle you," Brandon begins tickling her again, "did you change your mind?" "No!" Callie says laughing hysterically. Brandon continues to tickle her. "Ok! Ok!" Callie says deciding she was done teasing. "Well it's already been five minutes so you're just going to have to come now," Brandon says and Callie smiles.

~~~that night at dinner~~~

"So how were your days?" Stef asks her kids. "Awesome! I got the cutest clothes!" Mariana says excitedly. "Well I got to spend the day with a beautiful girl so... my day was awesome!"Jesus says and gets a glare from Mariana. "Well how about you Jude?" Lena says trying to relive the tension. "Connor and I played videos and he hugged me!" Jude squealed. "That's great buddy!" Callie says happy that Jude had a great day. "Well we have exciting news..." Brandon says. "I'm... I've decided to apply to Juilliard," Callie says excitedly. "Oh honey! That's great!" Lena says. "I'm so proud of all my babies!" Stef shouts and everyone laughs.

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