The love they were looking for

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Callie was laying on Brandon's bed, deep in thought. Prom was coming up and although Brandon was Callie's boyfriend she was still nervous if he would ask her. She knew he was going to but she wasn't sure. She was self-conscious. She wasn't sure if she was even interested in the whole idea of prom. It was more of being with Brandon in a romantic scenery. She has never been into sports so wanted some type of amazing high school memory. She didn't even realize Brandon walked in until he spoke.

"Hello... earth to Callie," Brandon says from the foot of her bed. "Oh... sorry. You're bed reminds me of you," Callie admits and gives his pillow a squeeze. "So why were you all spaced out? What's on your mind?" Brandon asks and Callie sits up. "It's uh... it's... it's stupid," Callie says and looks down at her. She nervously plays with the ties on her sweat pants. "Hey, look at me," Brandon says kindly. She doesn't look up afraid he'll see her red shot eyes, from tears building up in her eyes. He gently grips her chin and lifts her face to look at him. When their eyes meet he feels like he is going to cry because he hates it when she cries. "Callie, nothing makes you nervous or cry or anything is stupid. C'mon you know you can trust me. Please just tell me what's making you like this," Brandon begs. Callie doesn't know what to says so she just simply states, "prom." It was barely audible but Whenever Callie is talking Brandon listens intently. "Why is prom making you cry?" Brandon didn't want to have to tell her his plan to ask her. "Because I'm... I'm uh... afraid you won't ask me," Callie feels the burn in her eyes signaling she was about to cry. "Callie, of course I'm going to ask you. I just don't want to say 'hey wanna go to prom with me?' I want it to be special," Brandon explains. Callie felt like an idiot. She knew he would ask... she just had to wait for the right time, "don't think this is your fault but... now I feel kinda stupid. I mean you're the most generous, kind, smart, handsome, everything I've ever dreamed for kinda guy. How did I not realize this before." "Callie please don't ever speak like that about yourself. You're smart, brave, strong, beautiful, daring, and absolutely perfect lady. I love you so much and I would never want you to talk down on yourself. You're too amazing for that. I need you not to cry... for you... for me. I feel like crying even at the sight of tears in your eyes. Please just know that I'm planning something beautiful... but it still won't compare to you," Brandon meant every word he said. He knew she had a hard time believing in herself. "Ok,"Callie says with a smile and gives him a long, passionate kiss.

~~~2 days later~~~

Callie comes into the house she sees a red rose, on the counter. She came closer and picked up the rose. Then she realized that there was a note tied to the rose. She opened the note and it read...

"Dear Callie,

SCAVENGER HUNT! This is how I plan to prove how smart you are. Okay so it's time for your hint...

The place I didn't need comfort food... just you.


Callie was confused at first but then she realized. Hospital. Callie took the bus. Once she got to the hospital waiting room where they waited when Stef was shot. She looked around and saw another rose on the chair she sat in when they were waiting. She was surprised he remembered the seat she sat in. She picked up the rose and opened the note...

"I knew you would get it. So here is your hint...

Mariana regretted what she did there, especially when she and Jesus got into a shouting war, in the morning.


Callie knew exactly where she had to go. She back on the bus and went to Wyatt's old house. She ran inside. She looked around until she saw a new red rose on the floor. She picked it up and read the note...

"Wow you're good. Time for another hint...

Look into each other's eyes, connect... breathe.


Callie thought for a minute on what this meant. She was so confused. Then it hit her. He was taking about the dance studio they learned to dance in for Mariana's quince. She got on the bus... again. When she got to the studio and ran inside. She saw the red rose in the middle of the dance room they were taught in. She picked it up and it read...

"I love the fact that you remembered that comment. I was so nervous around you. Well you know the drill...

Why did we come here in the first place?


It took her about a second to realize where he was talking about. Callie hurried outside and into the bus. Then she arrived at her destination. She got off the bus and stiff outside of the place where they held Mariana's quince. She walked inside and found Brandon.

He was holding a bouquet of roses. There were rose pedals around him and banner saying "prom?" Brandon had a smile on his face. Callie had a huge smile on her face as she ran into his arms, "YES!!!" Then she kisses him passionately and lovingly. Wow... he was right. It really was worth the wait.

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