The love they were looking for

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Callie and Brandon were getting anxious. They sent in their applications for Juilliard about a month ago and nothing. No rejection, no acceptance. Nothing. Callie was prepared for the worst which meant Brandon had to stay positive. He didn't mind but he was scared deep down.

Brandon was resting on the couch when Callie ran in and hopped onto his lap, "GUESS WHAT!!!" "You sound like Mariana during a sale at her favorite store," Brandon joked. "Ugh just guess already!" Callie exclaimed. "You're pregnant?" Brandon joked. "NO!" Callie said pulling out 2 envelopes. "Are those?" Brandon couldn't even put a sentence together. Callie nodded excitedly. "We'll let me see!" Brandon exclaimed. Callie handed him his letter, form Juilliard, "we'll open them together." First they opened the envelopes. "Ready? 1...2...3!" The pulled out the letter. Brandon read his and Callie read hers. "Oh my god," Callie said under her breath, "I was accepted!" "Then I guess we're going to New York!" Brandon exclaims and kissed Callie, "I told you we would get in." "Oh stop boosting your ego," Callie fake pouted. "Well now we have to tell the moms..." They knew that wasn't going to be easy.

~~~that night at dinner~~~

"So how was everyone's day?" Lena asks as the family sit around the dinner table. "I went shopping and got the cutest dress!" Mariana exclaims. "That's awesome," Stef says trying to sound enthusiastic. "Uh Mari I... we don't mean to steal your thunder but..." Brandon trails off and pull out his and Callie's Juilliard acceptance letter. "OH MY GOD!!!!" Lena yelled with actual enthusiasm. "OH MY BABIES!!!" Stef yelled. Brandon and Callie smiled. "Don't worry, I'll help you guys get stylish yet warm jackets for New York," Mariana explains more than offers. Everyone laughs, "thanks Mari. Brandon and Callie had huge smiles on their faces. Brandon looked to his moms, "moms, are you crying?" "What? No, of course not," Stef said waving her hand. "I'm crying," Lena weeped.

After dinner everyone laid down for a movie. The moms decided they would talk about college tomorrow. Everyone sat in their normal spots; Callie and Brandon snuggling on the couch, Mariana and Jude snuggling, Jesus sitting in front of their legs, and the moms in the recliners. Everyone watches the movie in silence except for the few laughs at funny moments.

Soon everyone was going to bed. Callie and Brandon went up to their rooms Callie sleeping in Brandon's bed... again. "Hey babe?" Callie asks as they lie down. "Ya?" Brandon's says as he snuggles Callie close to him. "I don't want to live in a dorm room with some chick I don't know... could we maybe get an apartment off campus, when we go to New York?" Callie asks hopefully. "Absolutely, that's sounds great," Brandon says with a smile. "Yay!" Callie says as she started to fall asleep. "I love you," Brandon kissed her forehead. "I love you too," Callie says and soon falls asleep.

~~~the next morning~~~

Everyone was enjoying breakfast when Stef said, "I'm gonna miss this." "Miss what?" Jesus asks. "All of us eating breakfast together," Stef sighed. "What are you talking about?" Jude was confused. "I mean Brandon and Callie are moving to New York in almost year," Stef started getting teary eyed. "Mom don't cry... we'll call all the time and visit whenever we can. Plus, like you said we aren't leaving for almost a year," Brandon says. "But it's sad," Lena joined in on the crying. "This is going to be a long breakfast," Callie said aloud. "Oh hush... we're emotional," Stef defended. Next thing you know Mariana is crying, "I'm gonna miss my big brother and sister!" Then Jude started to cry, "Callie I'm gonna miss you guys!" Then something shocking happened... Jesus started to cry," I'm gonna miss you two so much!" Then Callie starts crying into Brandon's shoulder. That was it for him... he broke down crying holding Callie.

Soon everyone was huddled on the couch crying. All mumbling some type of "I'll miss you." They were all emotional wrecks. It was worse now that they didn't have Jesus or Brandon being the strong man and not crying. They were crying just as much as everyone else. "It's all Juilliard's fault," Mariana mumbled, like a child. They all laughed, half heartedly. "I'm serious," Mariana complained, "if they didn't exist you guys wouldn't be leaving to New York. Or if they could just be located in California." "Well it's not," Jesus shrugged sadly. "I'm gonna miss my babies!" Stef cried. "You're growing up too fast!" Lena added. "We're gonna miss you guys too," Callie said trying not to cry. "Moms I love you guys so much," Brandon smiles.

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