The love they were looking for

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Callie came out of the bathroom and pooped her head into Brandon's room. "Hey babe you can go shower now," she said with a smirk. "Thanks," he said as be kissed her. They were interrupted by someone clearing their throat, "ahem," it was Jesus. "Crap!" Callie said as she ran to her room to get dressed. "Dude, did you guys... you know?" Jesus asked with a smirk. "Um... uh... well... don't tell moms," Brandon said nervously. "Don't worry I wouldn't do that to you guys. Even if I sound like Mariana when I say this... you guys are a cute couple... if you tell anybody about this I will kick your-," Brandon cut him off. "I understand I wouldn't want to sound like Mariana either," that mad them both laugh," well I'm gonna go grab a shower," Brandon announced. With that Jesus headed downstairs to get a snack.

Five minutes later Callie walked downstairs. "Hey, Jesus... um... you're not gonna... uh tell the moms are you?" Callie asked nervously. "No I'm not telling moms and like I told Brandon don't tell anyone but you guys are a cute couple." "Thanks Jesus." "Don't worry your my sister and if your lucky one day you'll be my sister in-law but don't worry you won't have to think about that for a while since you guys are only 16," Jesus said with a smirk. "I like this," Callie said with a smile. Jesus was confused, "what?" "Having 2 moms, a sister, 2 brothers, and a boyfriend (Brandon)," Callie said still smiling. Then Brandon came downstairs.

"Hey, guys," he said as he wrapped his arms around Callie's waist, "so do you wanna do something tomorrow night?" "Sure but what are we going to do?" Callie asked curiously. "We could go rude the rides at the beach board walk," Brandon suggested. "I've never been on a roller coaster... so yes," Callie said enthusiastically. "You've never been on a roller coaster?!?!?!?!" Jesus nearly yelled. "Nope I was to young with my parents and none of my foster family's ever did anything for us," Callie said nonchalantly. "Brandon I expect you take my new sister on as many rides as you can, understood?" Jesus said sternly but you could tell he was also joking. Brandon laughed then said, "understood... sister?" "Yes she is my sister now... by the way if you hurt her I'll hurt you... did I sound like Jude to anyone else?" Jesus joked. "Yes," Brandon and Callie said in unison. "You guys wanna watch a movie?" Callie asked. "Sure but how about we have a movie night instead," Jesus suggested, "moms just texted me and said that they are are stuck up at that poetry thing because if a storm." "Sure" they Callie and Brandon both said.

With that Jesus went to get movies, Callie went to every ones rooms to get blanket, and Brandon ordered Chinese, made popcorn, and got together other snacks. After the Chinese got there they put in the first movie and got comfy. Jesus was on one side of the couch and Callie was laying in Brandon's lap on the other side.

They all were wrapped in blankets, were eating, and watching the movie.


By 2am Jesus had fallen asleep and that left Callie and Brandon. Pretty soon they were both falling asleep before they did Brandon asked, "do you wanna come sleep in my room sleeping on the couch is asking for a neck ache?" "Mhm," Callie said half asleep. He knew how tired she was so he picked her up bridal style and carried her to his room. He laid her down, then he laid down and wrapped his arms around her waist. She has never felt this safe before so it wasn't surprising when she instantly fell asleep. He has never been this happy and fell instantly asleep with a smile.


Callie woke up with Brandon's arms wrapped around her waist. She couldn't help but smile. She had to go to the bathroom and slowly got up so Brandon didn't wake up because he looked so peaceful.

She finish going to the bathroom and went back to Brandon's room she layed back down under the covers. Almost like instinct he wrapped his arm around her protectively. This made Callie smile because Brandon really did love her. He really did want to protect her. Soon after she closed her eyes she was asleep.


Brandon woke up and Callie was still in his arms. He smiled at how peaceful she looked. A piece of her hair clung to her perfect lips and her nose would occasionally twitch. He kept his arms wrapped around we protectively, he felt like if he even so much as loosened his grip on her she would disappear. His thoughts were interrupted by Callie saying, "you're staring at me," she was smiling. Then he leaned down and whispered in her ear, "I wouldn't have to if you weren't so adorable." Then he started to kiss her neck then he must have found her sweet spot because the second he kissed there she moaned. He smiled at that, "so I'm guessing that felt good," he joked. "Just shut up and do it again!" She demanded. She new she would have to buy her own concealer at this rate. She rolled over and and whispered in his ear, "meat me in the shower in 5 minutes," then she got up and walked to the bathroom.

The Love They Were Looking ForWhere stories live. Discover now