The love they were looking for

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Callie and Brandon were walking outside of school. "Hey babe, I want to go practice in the music room... want to come?" Brandon asks. "Uh I'm good. I think ill just walk home with Jude," Callie replied. "Are you sure?" Brandon wanted her to come. "Yes babe I'm fine," Callie kissed her boyfriend and waved as she walked toward her brother.

"Hey Jude," Callie said approaching her brother. "Hey Callie," Jude smiles. "Ready to go?" Callie asks. "Ya, bye Connor," Jude waves to his boyfriend. Callie and Jude began to walk home in a comfortable silence.

"So buddy, how was your day?" Callie asks as they walk. "Fun, what about you?" Jude smiles up at his big sister. "It was good... I like Anchor Beach," Callie smiles down at him. As they were walking Callie saw a green jeep in the distance. She gasped, "Jude we need to go back... NOW!" "What? Why?" Jude was confused. "Liam's jeep," Callie whispers. They turned around and started running. School was less than a block away. They ran as fast as they could back to Anchor Beach.

As soon as they got there they ran inside into the music room. "Brandon!" Callie cried. Brandon wiped his head around and saw his distressed girlfriend and his worried little brother, "what's wrong?!?" "L-Liam," Callie whispers. Brandon jumps up and runs to Callie. He caught her just as she was about to break down onto the floor. "Callie... baby... it's going to be ok," Brandon whispers into her ear. "Brandon... I'm scared," Callie cries. "Callie don't cry," Jude is about to cry. Brandon pulled his little brother into a hug too, "c'mon we're going home."

They ran to Brandon's car and drive home. As soon as they got home they went inside to find the moms. "Moms!" Brandon yelled. Lena and Stef ran into the living room from the kitchen. "What is it?!" Stef asks frantically. "I saw Liam's jeep near the school," Callie whispers. "What?!?" Lena screeched. "I'm calling the station," Stef went to the kitchen and grabbed her phone.

Brandon, Callie, and Jude all sat on the couch waiting. Brandon sat on one end with Callie laying in his lap. Jude sat with Callie's feet in his lap. After about a half an hour Stef walked back into the living room, "he's out." Callie shot up, "what?!? How?!?" "Apparently he's out early on good behavior," Stef looks at Callie with horror in her eyes. "But he raped me!" Callie was furious. "I know... it's not my choice though honey... if it was he wouldn't even be alive today," Stef confides. "Stef!" Lena scolds. "Well wouldn't you want that?" Stef looks in her wife's eyes. Lena just sighed.

"Callie," Brandon hugs her. She begins to cry into his shoulder. "Brandon... I'm really scared," Callie cries. He picked her up and carried her to their room. When they got to their roomy hey laid on his bed until they both fell asleep.

~~~3 hours later~~~

Brandon woke up with Callie snuggled up next to him. Soon her eyes fluttered open. They were still red from her crying so hard. "Hey Cal, wanna watch a movie?" Brandon asks. "Ya," she says barely above a whisper. Brandon went to get up but Callie clung to him, "baby, I'll be right back I'm just getting a movie." Callie nods and Brandon runs downstairs to get the movie that his family watched when something bad happened... The Lion King. He ran back up to their room and put the movie on.

Callie snuggled up to Brandon as they watched the movie. "Brandon what if he comes after me? At the trial he said he would get me," Callie was worried. "Callie I promise that he won't touch you let alone get near you," Brandon holds her close. "But what if he does?" Callie hides her head in his chest. "Callie I will do everything I can to keep you safe," Brandon kisses her head. Callie nods.

Once the movie is over Brandon asks, "are you hungry?" "Ya," Callie nods. They get up and walk downstairs.

When they got into the kitchen Lena was cooking dinner. "Hey mom," Brandon says sitting on a stool. Callie sits on his lap and hides her face in the crook of his neck. "Hey," Lena says softly. "Hi Lena," Callie whispers. Lena smiles sadly and continues to cook dinner.

After dinner the moms decided to watch a movie. The moms picked Rush Hour. Everyone got comfortable on the couch with warm blankets. Callie Mayes on Brandon and Jude out Callie's feet on him. The twins laid together, like they did when they were kids. The moms were in the recliners.

By the end of the movie all the kids were asleep. The moms made sure they had blankets. They also checked that the house was all locked up, then they went to bed.

~~~the next morning~~~

All the kids woke up to the smell of breakfast. Since it was a Saturday nobody bothered rushing to get ready. Jude and Jesus ran as fast as they could into the kitchen. Mariana slowly made her way into the kitchen while Callie and Brandon just snuggled. "How do you feel?" Brandon asks. "Better... I've decided not to let him run my life. I deserve to be happy... with you and you-our family," Callie corrected herself. "Good... now let's go before there isn't anymore breakfast. They got up and walked into the kitchen. Everyone sat at their normal seats. Callie always sat in between Jude and Brandon, her two favorite boys. She only hoped they could keep her safe.

Soon everyone was eating breakfast. Callie's phone vibrated...


Unknown #: I'm back so watch out

*end of texts*

As soon as Callie read the texts she dropped her phone and nearly jumped out of her seat. "Callie what is?" Brandon asks, concern evident in his voice. "L-Liam," she pointed at her phone. Brandon picked up her phone and read the text. He handed the phone to his mom and she read the text, "I'm getting restraining orders for the entire family against this prick." "Stef! Language!" Lena scolds. "Sorry... you're right... that douche," Stef says. "Oh my god!" Lena huffs. "I'm going to the station," Stef was already in uniform so she grabbed her keys and left.

After about 10 minutes of silence Lena spoke, "so what are you all doing today?" "I'm going to see Isabella," Jesus says. "Jude, Conner, and I are going to the mall," Mariana smiles. "I have no plans," Callie huffs. "I plan to spend the day with my beautiful girlfriend," Brandon smiles at Callie. She blushed a deep red, "uh... what about you Lena?" "I've got errands to run," Lena gives an over exaggerated smile.

~~~1 hour later~~~

Soon everyone left, except Brandon and Callie. "So how do you want to spend the day with your beautiful girlfriend?" Callie asks. "Snuggle," Brandon says using a fake little kid voice. Brandon picks Callie up and plops her down on the couch, "we're watching a movie. What would you like to watch?" "Safe Haven... because this is my safe haven," Callie smiles shyly. Brandon kisses her head and goes to get the movie.

Callie laid on the couch waiting for Brandon when she heard footsteps, "Brandon?" "No," said the person she has feared since she was 14...


A/N: Ooh cliffhanger! Hope you enjoyed.

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