chapter two

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Demi POV

I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock going off on the other side of my bedroom. I groaned as I walked over and shut off the buzzing noise. I looked at the time and saw that it was 6:30am. I usually get up at 4:00am, I think it is really sad that this is the latest I have slept in all month! Oh well, I better get in the shower so I can start on my hair and make up. WAIT! This is my day off! 

"YES!" I smiled to myself. Well, I'm already up so I'll just go get some breakfast. I looked down at myself and saw that I was dressed in my black skinny jeans and a dark blue blouse, I must have forgotten to take them off before I went to bed. They were really uncomfortable. I changed into a black t-shirt and my favorite black basketball shorts. I pulled my hair ball into a point tail. I walked into my bathroom, washed my face and brushed my teeth.  

As I walk into my kitchen I turn on my tv and turn up the volume so I can hear it as I prepare a bowl of cereal

I just hear the usual commercials some car insurance company, movie trailers and as I walk into my living room, I see the end of an advertising for something called "The Summer Saviour Program." I don't think much of it and I change the channel. 

I find a movie channel and I am able to catch the beginning of 'Sean of the dead' then I'm watching a Wal-Mart add and then "The Summer Saviour Program" commercial information comes on and from my understanding it is a program that you basically foster a kid for six months and try to help them with their problems. 

I look at my 'Stay Strong' tattoos on my wrists and pause the commercial to run to my room to get a pen and paper, I run back to my living room and write down the office number and the help hot line, just in case. 

I called the office, a woman answered and set up an appointment at 12-4:30, she also told me that office hours are 5:30am- 9:30pm and that the help hot line was on 24 hours day. She told me that I have to bring my drivers license, immunization records, valid ID and my Birth Certificate. She also told me the address for the office. 

I looked at the time on my phone it was 7:30. I finished my breakfast, set my bowl on the sink and went to take a bath. As the water was heating up I tried to decide what I'm doing with my hair. I test the water and it is hot enough, so I plug the drain, pour some soap in and watched as the tub filled with bubbles l stripped down, stepped in to steaming water and let it relax my stiff muscles. I lay there until the water was cold, I stood up drained the tub, took a shower and dried myself off. 

I checked the time and it was already 9:37. I blow dried my hair, went to my closet to find what I was going to wear. 

I decided on going with a formal, professional look. I found a white knee length dress, heels, and a blazer so it cover up my tattoos. 

I got all of the papers, it was now 10:08. I decided on just having my hair straight. I went back to my bathroom and flat ironed it, and changed into my outfit.  

I went to my living room and found my laptop, I got on map-quest, typed in the address and hit the print button. I waited by my printer as the paper come out. 

Huh, it was only about a half hour drive usually with these places it's miles from the city. 

I check the time and it was 10:30. I have an hour, until I have to get going. I just decide to change my house up a bit. Next thing I knew my whole house was clean, and it was ten minutes until I had to leave. Oh what the hell I'll just leave right now, it'll take the ten extra minutes because of traffic. 

I got in my car, and after following the directions very carefully, I pull up to a big yellow building. The sign out side had a painting of of a big hand and on the in side of that was a small hand. Huh, so the big hand was supposed to represent the adult, and the little hand was supposed to represent the child. Adult protecting the child.

I walk park my car in an open space and head inside, I walk up to a woman who looks to be doing paper work.  She looks up to me and asks, "Are you signing up?" She had stopped working to help me. "Yes!" I said smiling at her. She shuffled some papers around her desk and handed me a packet. "Here, fill this out and as soon as an office opens up you can start your meeting." She said with a kind smile.

I walk over to a waiting area and start filling out the packet reading all of the fine print too, just so I knew what I was getting myself into. All of the questions are pretty basic, date of birth, address, do I have a spouse, my line of work, education level, the usual types of questions. Well, that wasn't as long as I expected. I had finished the whole packet in like twenty minutes, so I just sat there and waited until an office opened up. I decided to read one of the books they had on the table. I had finished the first paragraph and I heard a door open and then close. A man with long-ish hair wearing a suit came out with a clip board, hey he was really cute. He cleared his throat and said in a loud voice "Demetria Lovato." I stood and walked to him. "That's me." I said smiling. 

We walked to and office that had  a name plate on the door 'Dr. Cohen' so he's got a PhD, twice as hot now. we sat down and he  was reading my packet over. "So, your packet checks out, no red flags. Now for the interview portion." He went on and basically asked  me the exact same questions that were on the paper. Then he told me about how the program was going to help the kids because it will make them feel like someone understands what they are going through. 

We went to a room that some other people were waiting in to take a picture for their card, once i got up to the front of the line, I stood on the X on the floor and smiled as a bright flash of light hit my eyes I continued on to the next line I filled out another paper and handed it back, I waited in another waiting room until they called my name I went and got my card and my picture turned out really good.

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