Chapter 9

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Easton's POV

I walked closer and saw that my mother's eyes were majorly blood shot and extremely glassed.

"Easton, why?" I realized that I had my sleeves rolled up, she could see my cuts and scares, trust me there was a lot. She walked over to me, pulling me into a major hug.

"I'm s-sorry." What? Why was my voice coming out like that, why did my cheeks feel wet? Oh, I was crying I haven't cried since the day at the park.

"I saw what was in the trash." She said and that caught me off guard. Oh, my, god.

"Honey, why?" She said unsure of what I was going to say.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mea-n to. I don't know why I just had to f-eel something." My voice was shaking.

"I'm signing you up, I'm signing you up for the program." She said firmly.

What was she talking about? Signing me up for what program?

"What? What do you mean? What are you sighing me up for?" I asked.

"I heard about a program that helps kids who have had something bad happen to them. It's called 'The Summer Saviour Program'" She said looking me in the eye.

"When?" I asked.

She walked over to the table and handed over the package.

There was a logo on in the corner of a big hand and a little hand. I opened the top and started reading the flip book.

"You're s-sending me a-away?" I stuttered.

My mother kept silent, staring down at the table not wanting to look me in the eye.

She closed her eyes before she answered me. "Yes."

"When do I leave?"

"In 2 weeks." She said without any emotion. "I filled out all the paper work back when I was in New York. We are going to the office in Kansas City tomorrow to make the final plans for you."

The rest of the day I spent in my room, lying on my bed starring at my ceiling, until I fell into a spiraling nightmare.

Hey so don't comment if you want to tell me something just message me. Also if you have any suggestions message me.



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