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Skylar's pov

"So...what does your neck tattoo mean?" I ask carefully after about 5 minutes of silence. "Oh this?" He asks while pointing to it. Hm that's weird he seems happy all the sudden. "Yeah" I say while getting eager to hear his response. "Nothing....it's stupid" he says, brush it off.

"No really. I want to know" I tell him. "The intersecting lines represent how people intersect. It means that we are born to take the paths we do. And it is planned by God, who we will run into on the way" he tells me catching me off guard.

I didn't think he knew words that big! I think to myself. "Oh. That's cool. I like it!" I tell him trying to be friendly. Well I should be trying to be wifely

"What about you? You got any tats?" He asks bringing my attention off go my phone. "Well......" I trail off. "This stays between us okay?" I ask him. "Okay" he says using his elbows to sit up straight on his bed. "I do have this one tattoo that my parents don't know about" I tell him, blushing for some reason. "You? Having a secret tattoo?" He says surprised. "Yep" I answer. "I didn't take you to be the type" he says honestly. "Well" I say smirking. "Where is it?" He asks. "Maybe you'll see it one day" I tell him before cheesing(smiling big).

"Come on just tell me where it is, so I know where to look" he tells me while joining me by smiling. "It's right under my boob" I tell him before my cheeks burn. "What is it?" He asks before a smirk replaced his smile. "It says 'love fearlessly' " I tell him causing his eyes to drift to my chest. "What are you doing?" I ask him. "Oh. Just imagining the tattoo" he tells me after snapping back into the real world. "Sure you were" I say under my breathe as I pull out my phone. "You wish" he says before sitting back down on his bed and smirking.

"Ethan, Skylar! Dinners ready" Lisa my soon to be mother in law calls out to us. I quickly open Ethan's door and run down the stairs. "Someone's hungry!" Ethan's dad Sean says after watching me race down to the kitchen. "Either that or it was getting hella awkward up there" I say causing everyone to laugh. "What's so funny?" Ethan asks as he joined us all by sitting at the table. "Nothing" we all say at the same time while holding in our laughter. "Okayy then" Ethan says before digging in like the rest of us.


"Thank you Mr and Mrs. Dolan, that was delicious!" I tell them before bringing my plate to the sink. "My pleasure" Lisa says. "Mhm" Sean agrees with a full mouth.

I sit at the table between my mom and dad and across from Ethan, who is also between his mom and dad. Once everyone is done we all sit at the table for "A talk" my parents called it.

"So we just want to talk to you both about the rules." My dad starts. "First rule you must stay abstinent until after the wedding!" Ethan's dad says sounding oddly enthusiastic. "That won't be hard" I say while making a face that reads 'ew'. "Abstinent?" Ethan asks himself quietly. "It means no sex" I tell him blankly. *no response*

Wow this kid brings a whole new meaning to dull!

Ethan sits beside me while awkwardly tapping his pointer fingers on the table.

"Rule  number two. No cheating on each other. If you do there will be consequences!" My dad says strictly.

"Last rule of the day. Do not under any circumstances, hurt each other! Ethan if you lay a hand on her...ooooh you don't want to know. And same goes for you,  got it?" His dad tells us aggressively.

None of these rules in particular bother me. I wasn't planning on doing any of them. Well I might have been planning on hitting him if he gets on my nerves, but other than that nothing has changed.

Thanks for all the reads guys! Keep 'em coming.......❤️

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