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Skylars pov

"You'll be able to take the baby home in an hour. We just want to make sure that nothing unusual happens" the nice doctor tells us. "Alright" I say. "Hey sky?" Ethan asks, I turn my head to face him. "I'm gonna quickly pop back home and grab some clothes and the car seat" he says sounding a bit hesitant to leave our baby. "Okay!" I smile.


"Hey babe" I cheer as he walks back in. "I got these" he shows me the body suit thing we found the other day at target.(pic) (I actually found this picture after I picked out the name Noah, and I was like ITS PERFECT!😂)

"Did you already set up the seat?" I ask him while feeling my stomach. "Yep" he cheeses. "Is it facing backwards?" I ask raising one eyebrow. "Yes" he says as he takes Noah out of my arms. He holds him upright with his head resting on his shoulder before slowly bending down and placing him on the one piece I had unbuttoned.

He gently slides his arms into the holes and then buttons it all up. "Perfect" we say at the same time.


"Thanks bye" we both say as we walk out with Noah in my arms. "I love him. I love you. I love this. I love life" I smile. "Me too" he opens the door to the back seat.

He places Noah into the car seat filled with little stuffed animals to make it comfortable and buckles him up.


"Awe. He's sleeping" I whisper as I stand, looking through the back window. I open the door quietly and unhook the whole car seat. "I can take that" Ethan reached for it. "Thanks" I smile before closing the car door. I quickly step I front of Ethan and open the door.

We walk into our apartment and he placed the car seat with Noah in it on the floor.

I carefully unbuckled Noah before carrying him into his new room and rocking him back and forth. Ethan snakes his arms around me and kisses my neck as I stand with Noah in my grip. We both kissed his forehead before placing him into his crib and covering him with the same blanket from the hospital. I place a teddy bear between his arms before pecking Ethan's lips and walking into our room to go to 'sleep'

We didn't get much sleep as we were too excited and Noah would wake up every two hours crying. It's not too, too bad. Most babies wake up every half an hour. He's too good to us:)

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