◥ ▶ twelve ◀ ◤

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"If I told you that I loved you
Tell me, what would you say?
If I told you that I hated you
Would you go away?
Now I need your help with everything that I do
I don't want to lie, I've been relying on you" - The Neighbourhood

hey ya'll ! I LOVE Wiped Out and I Love You, and all the other albums by The Neighbourhood They easily pass by as one of my favorite bands and I'm slightly obsessed with Jesse Rutherford. What's your favorite song from Wiped Out? Mine is Cry Baby, The Beach, Daddy Issues, Prey, and R.I.P 2 My Youth.

Chapter 12:

Before I knew it, more and more tears started coming down. I didn't know why I was crying. I still, wanted to scream because I felt emptiness, a deep pit of absolutely nothing and the more I thought of it, the more maddening it became. So, I wanted to stop. I don't know stop what, but whatever I was feeling, I wanted it to stop. However, that was the thing, I didn't feel anything, maybe I wanted to and it was bothering me but I wanted it all to go away, as it never happened. I wanted to forget walking up the stairs, and I wanted to forget that I ever heard mom talk on the phone.

I was still standing on the skinny pavement, looking at the raindrops bounce at my feet. By now, I probably looked like a melting barbie, mascara and eyeliner running wild down my pale cheeks, at least you couldn't tell the difference between tears and rain now. I wiped my face and felt my hair. It was soaking wet, all of me was. I couldn't work like this, but I had to go and tell Sarah, my supervisor, about it, I was close to the parlor anyways.

I tried to practice my smile, and figure out what I would say. My voice would most likely break because I still felt like crying and I was sure, If I open my mouth, I would start sobbing. So, I also tried to calm down my nerves and managed to think of something happy.

I approached the side and found Sarah standing there. My feet scraped the ground. She turned towards me and scowled.

"Coral." She noticed me and I gave her the brightest smile I could conjure up.

"Sorry I'm la-" I tried to explain,

"Coral, we got a report, for you, serving dirt instead of ice cream? Really? We do not accept that kind of behavior here. I'm sorry, you're fired." She said, her expression softened in the end of her sentence.

I didn't know what to say to that. I was expecting that, Kris wasn't capable of letting a joke slide. I knew it wasn't his fault but I couldn't help blaming him. Now I really was pissed. Great day. I tried to ask for another chance but nothing came out as I was on the verge of more thick useless tears.

She reached out and rubbed my shoulder, her words barely audible with the thunder.

"Sorry." She mumbled and walked into the side door.

More thundered rumbled and I wouldn't complain if lightning struck me. I would have to go back home, and I had to ask mom. She had to tell me everything. It would pain me to listen to her talk about dad and their marriage sourly but I needed to know why she was thinking of divorce. It's most definitely not because of a silly argument. I was sure of that.

I turned the parlor corner and was pleased to see Kris with the same little girl seated at a table near the lot exit. This was going to be fun. He got me fired, it's whatever, but I had the urge to scream at him, let out all my anger.

His back was facing me, laughing along with his sister.

I didn't care about what he thought of me anymore. If anything, he could kiss my ass. And I was also done with being his so called 'slave'.

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