11 | Kurt

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My plan: not go to the Wayne Recovery Center. Instead, pay someone some big bills if they can go in there and tell me what's going on. To avoid being seen. By Robin. And Rylie. If she's there.

My thoughts on my plan: everything should go just fine, peachy and dandy. I am a genius.

My plans after my plan: ditch Robin Wayne forever. Find a nice lady and move to Costa Rica for the rest of my life.

My plans after my plans after my plan: have no kids. Enjoy the good life by the beach. Die with a martini in my hand.

Right now: I'm waiting in front of McDonalds, on the dot at the busy breakfast rush at 8 AM. I'm waiting for the guy who said he'd meet me, to talk about "stuff." (Really, I just told the sweet feminine voice that I was going to the program but didn't know anyone else who'd be there and she happily referred me the name and contact info of someone who was, so I'd have a "buddy") All I know is that this guy's name is Wesley. I hope he's okay with this, because I'm sure not.

My thoughts on right now: this is stupid. He's late. I should go and get a coffee to calm my nerves, even though I hate coffee.

My plans after right now: go to a nice quiet area to ingest all the information Wesley will tell me.

My plans after my plans after right now: um, wait, what??

"Hey, you Kurt?"

I look up and see a handsome Asian guy walking over to me. He has black glasses and is wearing a gray t-shirt that says WE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER EAST DELAVAN HIGH.

Clearly he's Wesley then.

I nod and shake his hand. "That's me. You must be Wesley." I notice he gives me an odd stare, and I begin to panic. Will he recognize me? I, after all, was one of the shooters in the Lockdown. But I was undercover then. So what I did wasn't wrong.

I smile politely and gesture to the doors. "Shall we eat?"

We walk inside and sit at a table. "So, I was told you had a question about the Wayne Recovery Center's new program?" he asks me.

"That's right."

"You do know you could just go there and see for yourself, right?"

"Right, about that..." I clear my throat awkwardly, trying to figure out how to put this. "I want to go, but I don't really want to go. I have like, a huge fear of being around lots of people. It's crazy, you wouldn't get it."

Wesley just raises his eyebrow and gestures to the crowded McDonalds around us. There must be at least forty people, all hungry and eager to get some chow and move on with their pitiful days.

"This doesn't seem to be a problem for you?" he asks. Okay, clearly he's suspicious.

"Listen, man, I don't think you have the right to question my phobia," I say, and grip the edge of the table for show. His eyes widen and he moves back a bit.

"I'm sorry." he adjusts his glasses. "I may not look like it, but I'm pretty stressed, too."

"I completely understand. It must be scary to go to... that place."

"No, that's not what I'm scared of. I'm scared of who will be there."

"What do you mean?" This is where he spills his guts, such an easy play!

"I know Robin Wayne will be there, the place is named after her. And since she's going to be there, that makes me nervous. I mean, she and I both survived the Lockdown. But after that I was okay, sorta. But she was the one who went to an asylum and broke out and stuff... It was all over the news. I honestly don't see why she's allowed to go there, I think she's mental or something."

Aren't all women?

"So did you know her well? Before... everything?"

He shakes his head. "We're the same age, and I had a few classes with her, but I mainly stayed away from her. I actually wanted to ask her to the junior prom, but her friend Nickson Miles scared me away." he chuckles.

Nickson Miles. Now there's a name I haven't heard in a while.

I laugh. "Well, that sucks."

"I guess. She went with him, anyway."

We don't say anything for a while. I'm guessing he's waiting for me to say something, after all, I'm the one who asked him to meet me here.

"So, understanding my situation, can you like, tell me what it's like there?" I finally ask him. "Then if I think it's okay for me, I'll come later. But not today, I'm too freaked out. You understand, right?"

He slowly nods. "Sure. I can do that."

"Great. I'll give you my number. You can just like, call me afterwards or something and tell me how it went."

"Okay. Should I tell them that you're interested in coming?"

"No!" I reply too quickly. He looks shocked. "I mean, it scares me just thinking about it. You know? People expecting me to show up. It's freaky, really. You wouldn't understand. Sorry. Just... don't tell them."

He nods again. "Okay then."

There's another awkward silence until he says he has to go. That's great, because I didn't want to buy him breakfast anyway. We awkwardly say goodbye and he disappears out the door into a fancy car and drives away. I watch him go, then go and grab myself some coffee.

Easy peasy lemon squeezy. This would be a breeze.

[author's note :D]

Yay! An update! Hope you enjoyed. Rylie's chapter will be next, followed by Robin.

And this is far from the end, so don't give up on me yet :)

- DC

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