16 | Rylie

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As soon as the door shuts, I do nothing. I just stay where I am. I stand, breathing heavily, staring at the door where Thomas once was. Where he no longer is. Where he left me.

He knew.

He saw it.

He found out.

About my... life. My everything. The secrets that no one was supposed to know about. He found out, with one simple open of a door.

And now he was gone.

I blink rapidly before realizing I'm crying. Why am I crying? He was just a stranger who bumped into me, was incredibly kind to me, and made me feel ways that I had never felt before. He should have meant nothing to me. I had only known him for a few hours.

But they were the best hours of my life.

And he was everything to me.

Weird to think about, I know, but the more I thought about it, I really didn't want him to leave. But what could I do? He just left me here, all by myself, with my guns and fake IDs and my life of a lie all centered about Robin Wayne.

Robin Wayne...

I couldn't think about that now. I'd worry about that later. I had to go after him.

But I couldn't.

Yes I could.


He was the only normal I ever knew. He made me feel normal. But I couldn't go after him, he'd already seen enough. I could still explain what I could, right? Even if he never wanted to see me again, I could just apologize to him.

It was the least I could do.

So with that, I run after him.

He's probably taken the elevator, so I hurry to the stairs and run down as fast as I can. I finally reach the first floor, panting heavily, and I catch a glimpse of him sprinting out the doorway.

"Thomas!" I scream. Please don't go. Please listen to me.

He doesn't even look my way but he runs faster and books it across the street, earning several beeps from angry drivers. I run a hand through my messy hair and sprint after him. Luckily, running is one of my stronger suits, so this shouldn't be too hard.

I run across the street and jump over a bush, my eyes narrowing in on him. Looks like he's heading to a nearby park. Somehow he's gotten several yards ahead of me, so I increase my speed after him. I watch him stumble over a trash can and look around nervously, not noticing me which is good.

As I approach, I notice the following:

1) Thomas has initiated conversation with someone in a parked car. I come closer to see more.

2) The driver of the parked car that Thomas has initiated conversation with is Kurt Larson.


Seeing this, I yell, "Thomas!" once more.

He looks over at me, then back at Kurt Larson (what is he doing here, anyway?). Before I can do anything, he jumps into the passenger seat of the car. NO!

"Thomas, don't go with him!" I screech. Is he crazy? Does he know who Kurt is???

As usual, he doesn't listen to me. The car drives away. Kurt's eyes glance over me, then before I can do anything, the car disappears into the busy street.


I could have just let him go. I had my chance with him. But I couldn't, now that I knew he was in the car of Kurt Larson. I couldn't just let that happen.

I was going to help Thomas, even though he probably didn't know what he was getting into.

First, I needed backup.

[author's note :D]

Heyo. Sorry for a long wait and a short update. Hey, that rhymed. I'm a rapper now. Hopefully the next chapter (which should be posted hopefully today) is much longer. Cliffhangers. Heh.

K bye

- DC

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