27 | Kurt

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That bastard!

How dare he? What the hell was this? I couldn't work with this. This was unacceptable. This guy should be kicked off. He was completely draining our resources and using up all our assets. Not an efficient use of our strategy. I'm sure the other guys would get me.

Maybe I should join a new clan.

I mean, c'mon! He sends us level 1's???? Is that all he can do? After all we do for him? Inviting him to war, getting him elixirs...

"Excuse me?"

"What!" I snap, turning my phone over.

"You're parked in the handicap spot, sir. If you don't move I'll have to give you a ticket."

I glare at the pathetic looking security guard. Pathetic meaning he looks like he's in incredible shape and his hair is neatly groomed. "You're going to give me a ticket? Do you even know who I am, buster?"

"You're obviously not a cop who plays Clash of Clans in handicap parking spaces," the security guard grins.

"What the hell-"

"You must be Kurt! Hey there!" he extends his hand through the window, expecting me to shake it. I hesitantly reach over and shake.

"And you are...?"

"I'm Kyle! I'm one of the security guards for this place." He proudly gestures behind him.

This place meaning the Wayne Recovery Center.

"Of course. I knew that," I say. "I was just testing you. To see if you'll let your guard down or something. But you didn't. Good job." I quickly add, "And I wasn't playing Clash of Clans. Just so you know."

"Sure." he knows.

"Your guys got my message?"

"Yup! Let me just say what an honor it is that you, such a distinguished and honorary officer, is willing to come and join us in our work to help train us and prepare us for any combat scenario! We've been offered training courses like the one you're going to give us, but I declined all of them, since they weren't taught by such qualified individuals."

Damn. He makes me sound like I'm a really great cop! "Well, you're welcome," I say. "We should get started right away. Will you show me the inside of the facility?"

The dude shakes his head. "Ms. Wayne gave us strict orders that we can only enter into and out of the facility when we're changing shifts. And our new shift just started, so I can't go back inside for at least another..." he looks up at the sky. "Two hours? Maybe two and a half? Three at most?"

What the hell.

"That's an awfully long shift," I muse, stroking my chin like I have a beard. It's a habit I have. Girls love it.

"But I was thinking, you know, maybe you could teach me a few of the tricks up your sleeve! That way I can help you teach the other guys, you know, like as an assistant? And also, there's some procedures that I think you should -"

My eyes flicker to the door. I notice it cracks open, slightly ajar, and a guy steps out. He's being very careful and deliberate, as if someone is watching him. Then his eyes shoot over to me. The first thing I notice about him is he's Asian.


[author's note :D]








I'M SO SORRY MY UPDATES ARE LIKE MONTHS APART, LOLOL.... I know I have no excuse. As an author, that's just unacceptable and disappointing to readers. I'm sorry. To make you all feel better, how about I tell you a joke?

What did the farmer say when he lost his tractor?

Where's my tractor?

Don't worry folks, I'm here all night! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2017 ⏰

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