26 | Damien

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"I want to show you something, Damien," Robin's mom says to me.

I'm too busy looking around at the room. She took me into the room with the KEEP OUT sign, so this is obviously her spot. There's a big window behind her big desk, and a big TV in front of a big couch. There are many picture frames with many pictures. Lots of them have Robin and her dad in it, like they were a normal family. There's a shelf with old books and children's toys and pencils and papers and -

"Those were Robin's," her mom says. My eyes fall to a small table. "Those are her glasses." Next to the glasses is a cane. "That was hers also."

"Have you showed her this?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "She doesn't need to see this."

"Why not?"

In return I get a stern glare. "Have a seat," she says, gesturing to the couch. I slowly sit down, watching her carefully. I expect her to pour herself a glass of whiskey but instead she grabs what looks like a stress ball and begins squeezing it in her hands. She sits down across from me.

"I'm going to show you something very personal, do you understand me? It's something that only my husband and I have seen." Well shit. "But I think you have the right to see it."

"Is that what you're telling everyone you're going to show it to?"

Another stern glare. "You have to trust me on this, Damien. Besides, you and I both know you want to learn more about Robin more than anything."

"W-what makes you say that?" I want to stab myself for stuttering. I can't show her that I'm nervous.

She sees this. She gives me a look that shows that she knows. "You shot her in the shoulder that day," she says. "Why?"

"I... I don't know what you're talking about," I mumble. SHIT SHIT SHIT

"Yes you do," she replies calmly. "You had her right in sight. You could have shot her in the forehead or shot her in the heart and killed her. But you didn't."

"Because we didn't want her dead!" I say.

"We? Or you?"

"I don't know what you're-"

"All I'm saying, Damien, is that you and I both share a striking similarity - we care about Robin. We don't want anything to happen to her. Which is why I'm going to show you this." she presses a button on a tiny remote and the TV comes to life. There's static at first, then a bright white thingie, and then the picture finally focuses on something. It's shaky, which means it's probably a recording of something.

"Is that..." I ask, my mouth agape, as I stare at the screen.

Robin's mom nods. "Yes, that is her."

And we watch it in silence.

[author's note :D]


Sorry for a short update. But at least it's an update. Have a Merry Monday.

- DC

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