7 | Kurt

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"Here's your order, sir."

"Mm." I continue staring down at my phone.



"Sir!!!" the girl yells loudly. I groan and look at her.

I scream.

She's pretty. She's blonde.

And she looks exactly like Rylie Clover.

I scream loudly and she just stands there, holding my takeout bag with my McDonalds in it. She stares at me and I scream.


I stop screaming and stare at her. My eyes drift down to her name tag. Rochelle, it reads. Phew. Close call. It's not her.

"Sorry..." I say. "You look like my crazy ex." A lame lie, but a necessary one.

She just rolls her eyes and shoves me my bag. She watches me carefully as I inspect it, making sure my order is correct.

"You seem like a weird guy," she says randomly.

"Oh really?" Let's see, there's two McDoubles, one Large Fries, where is my ketchup??? Oh, here it is. Okay, as for the others...

"I can tell. You screamed for like, thirty seconds straight. I mean, who does that?"

I glare at her.

"You definitely need help." she reaches behind her and shoves me a piece of paper. I take it. It's all colorful with happy people holding hands. On the top, it reads, Wayne Recovery Center: the path to a better life. I scoff.

"Do you just carry mental institution flyers around wherever you go?"

She shrugs. "I'm doing crazy people a favor. Like you. See, at the bottom it says free consultation. And if you're under age 21 you get a discount or something. You should check it out."

I narrow my eyes at her. "Are you sure you're not the one who needs this?"

She just smiles and holds up a bunch. "Like you said, I carry around a lot."

"Touche." With that, I drive into the distance.

I'm eating my fries at a stoplight, scrolling through my phone when a thought strikes me like lightning. I grab the flyer from under my napkins and gape at it. How had I not noticed it before? It was called Wayne Recovery Center. Robin Wayne was the girl I had turned in. Rylie Clover, who had now instilled a fear of blonde girls within me, was looking for Robin. Could this all be connected?

I shudder at the thought of going to a place like this. I had my own stuff to do. But I couldn't let some silly yellow haired girl like Rylie Clover beat me up and get away with it, now could I? And besides, I was curious to see what kind of Recovery Center this was, especially if Robin could be there.

I dial the number.

"This is Wayne Recovery Center, where the path to a better life is right in front of you. How may I help you?" a sweet feminine voice asks me.

"Hi, your flyer here says you offer a free consultation?" I ask.

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