3 | Kurt

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My latest case: following a group of high school girls who were suspected of smuggling heroin to school.

Definitely feeling excited about this one.

My last case: pretending to fall in love with the daughter of a cop and bust one of the biggest operations that I will go down in history for.

Definitely gonna remember that one forever.

I can't help but laugh at this memory, bringing up my warm coffee to my lips. My eyes drift over the crowd of people in the Starbucks. The elderly reading their newspapers, the little ones eating their donuts, and the young ones trying to avoid school. Then of course, there's me, the undercover cop. Waiting.

A bell rings. I turn and see four girls enter. They're all wearing their plaid skirts and maroon blazers - typical private school uniform. Their book bags swing against their legs as they walk up to the register and quarrel among themselves about what to order. I eye them carefully, trying to figure out if they're the ones I'm looking for. I quickly nudge out my phone from under my novel, Fahrenheit 451. On my screen are three faces of my latest prey.

The girls whisper and giggle before ordering and sitting at a table diagonal from mine. From my peripheral vision I watch as they pull out their books and phones and prepare for a long afternoon of studying. I prepare for a long afternoon of watching. 

I scroll through my phone to pass the time. I open up my photo album and realize I still have some pictures of when I was with Robin. If the chief found out I still had them, I'd get in trouble. It was best that I deleted these for good. Yet I can't help but go through them, one by one, and relive the moments. There was one we took together while waiting at a red light. One while in a movie theater, which I can't seem to remember. One of us in a coffee shop, wearing matching sweaters.

It was weird. Pretending to love her. I don't know if I really did - I try not to think back to those times. It's for my own good - I can't be sympathetic for these people. I was assigned to take them down and I just carry out my job. My mission. Besides, she was gone now. It was no use to try and reconnect with her. She was my past now.

I distract myself by looking up at the girls. The three I'm looking for are all there. A redhead, a brunette, and a blonde, very typical. Yet there's this other girl, with sandy blonde hair. She's cute. But she didn't show up on my list, so she could receive special treatment. I love the extras.

Just then, the girl with sandy blonde hair looks up at me. Her pretty eyes widen and her face goes red and she giggles to the brunette next to her. The blonde and redhead both turn and look at me, all giggling. I can't help but wave and the giggles get louder. It's strange, how girls are so robotic. Not that I'm complaining.

Anyway, I guess I've made the connection. I stand up, casually tucking my book under my arm and picking up my coffee in one hand. I slowly move toward the door, smiling down at the girls as I go.

"He's so cute!" I hear one of them whisper. Bingo.

I chuckle as I open the door and start to walk down the street. I whistle casually, nodding at fellow passer-byers as I wait for the door to open behind me. I hear the jingle of the door and I smile triumphantly.

"Hey," I hear a soft voice say. I turn and see the cute sandy blonde haired girl running up to me, her skirt blowing against her thighs, her book bag banging against her back. She approaches slowly and runs a hand through her hair. "Um, hi."

"Hello," I say. "Finished your coffee?"

She shrugs. "I think so." She's blushing. It's so cute what I can do to girls.

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