14 | Damien

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So, like, I'm not the type of guy to brag or anything, but...

I'm pretty good at...

You know...

Masking my emotions.

And I know what you're thinking! You're probably thinking I was gonna say I was really good at some other random, obscure thing, but now you're shocked that I said I'm really good at masking my emotions! Well, there you have it! I was so good at masking how I worded that introduction that you never even saw it coming. Boom. Mind blown, huh?

Seriously, though, I do a pretty decent ass job of hiding what I'm feeling. Maybe that's just how I grew up, with a fucked up family and all, so I just learned that emotions weren't that important. So I rarely show them. I just don't want to.

When people around me show emotions it's all weird. Like when they're all happy or sad or angry, I'm just standing here like What would I look like if that were me? You know? It's just hard to see myself acting like those crazed people out in the streets. In a way, some of you could consider me a crazed person in the street because of how I'm explaining this and all. Anyway...

So I'm at the Wayne Recovery Center, as you probably know. You also probably know that this dude Wesley completely hates me, and the first activity that Robin's mom put us through was complete and utter hell. Not only was it freaky deeky when she guessed everything right and all, it was just weird af.

I follow Robin back into the facility, glad we're not going to be outside. By now the other people who are coming (Maurice and Queb??? Could this day get any better??? Not even sure if that's sarcastic or not, I don't like to express emotions), so we'll probably sit around the table, eat cookies (I've already had plenty of those, thank you very much), and have an emotional talk that'll leave everyone crying but me. I have so much to look forward to today (that was sarcasm). Not to mention I'd be bunking with that Asian guy Wesley who was seriously, probably out to get me. At least Queb would be there. If he showed up, that is.

I'm walking behind Robin, through the hallway back to the main entrance area where we all came in, when I hear it. The loud, shrill shrieking, making me want to cover my eardrums.


And as if no one in the entire universe heard that, it comes again.


It's coming from the very front, so I gently push past Robin to see what all the commotion is about. I am completely shocked beyond words as I stare at the scene.

It's Maurice! Friggin Maurice, I hadn't seen her in forever. Sure, I knew that she was absolutely in love with me and jealous of Robin and did everything in her power to embarrass her, but Maurice was still my friend. I was really hoping she would be here as well, it would be just like the good old days.

Before I can do anything, the girl runs right up to me and throws her arms around my neck, wrapping her legs around my waist. She squeezes me super tight and continues squealing into my neck.

Meanwhile, everyone (including Robin) is staring at us. I open and close my mouth, trying to do something, trying to say something, but Maurice is squeezing me so hard I'll probably spit out a lung if I do. So I awkwardly pat her back and wait for her fangirl moment to subside.

I look around for help. Wesley stands in front of a chair; he was probably about to sit down. Erika was midway reaching for a cookie, but has stopped, staring at the scene. Mr. Theodore Martz isn't here; he's probably left. The two curious parents that came with Wesley and Erika aren't anywhere to be seen as well, and Robin's mom is kind of standing there, giving me a disapproving look. Is this considered PDA?

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