22 | Damien

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When I wake up, I'm drenched in sweat.

Usually, in a normal day in the life of the Damien Isadore, someone like Saul or Queb would wake me up. Then it would be my turn to watch over the place. After we were all split up, I'd usually wake up in cold sweat from some crazy nightmare and be... all... alone.

Today wasn't exactly like that. I wake up from a crazy nightmare, but I'm not alone. The analog clock reads 5:42 AM. I look over my bunk to see what my other roommates are up to. Queb is fast asleep, facing the wall and his back to us. His snores are light, so he's probably going to be waking up soon. Wesley is looking for socks or something in his suitcase, holding his toiletries. He's probably going to go shower then put on his East Delavan High t-shirt. I run a hand through my hair and look around my bed, relieved that I cleaned up my papers last night. Or this morning. Whenever I finished drawing out everything.

"Bad dream?" Wesley asks me from below, noticing I'm awake.

"Was I screaming?"

"More like talking. Seemed like a pretty intense conversation."

"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you..."

Comes back part of the nightmare.

"It was very engaging," I say, grabbing my notebook and jumping down from the bed, not even bothering to use the ladder. "Why're you up so early?"

"Why are you?" I have a feeling he will never be able to talk to me without a tone of suspicion.

"Nightmares," I say casually, rooting through my bag for some new clothes. I begin to panic realizing that my prized hoodie isn't here. But then I remember I gave it to Robin. It's in far better hands. Or rather, it's on a far better body? That does not sound right at all. Never mind that...

"Me too," he replies.

"Oh?" I begin to wonder why. Not just anyone gets nightmares, especially reoccurring ones. Possibly a traumatic experience haunting him from his past? Most likely the Lockdown. He seems like a well cut guy, I imagine the second worst thing that's ever happened to him was losing a piano competition or getting a B on a math final.

"Why is that so surprising?" again with the tone of suspicion.

I shrug. "You didn't seem like the type of guy to have nightmares."

"Then again, we barely know each other, so it's obviously not a great idea to make judgments about each other."

I say nothing as I pull out my jeans from yesterday and a new t-shirt.

"I'm gonna shower."

I hear him leave behind me, before sitting down and examining my work from last night. I was quite tired, so I wouldn't be surprised if my words were sloppy and my ideas were shit. But looking it over now, well rested and all, it seemed pretty good. My map of the facility seemed accurate, with the correct number of security cameras and all. I had added in where guards were stationed, even though we hadn't been here long enough to figure out their shifts and rotations. I'd work on that today.

I can't wait to show Robin.

My eyes glance over Queb, who was still fast asleep. Should I tell him? He was, after all, my friend. Even though he was acting a bit distant. I'd tell Robin first; she'd probably have better advice to give me. Also she was the first person I wanted to tell anyway; I imagine she'd be excited that we'd be busting our asses out of here...

After doing 75 pushups and 60 sit ups, Wesley finally returns from his shower. He gives me a quick look - my futile attempt at crunching on the bunk bed - before walking over to his suitcase. I notice he's wearing a sleeveless t-shirt and gym shorts, as if he's about to go workout. Maybe he's going to run laps around the backyard or something. Not a bad idea...

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