17 | Robin

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Six words to describe the next six hours of my life?

Agonizingly brutal torture I suffered through.

Six words to describe the six words that described the next six hours of my life?

Maurice Maurice Maurice Maurice and Maurice.

That about sums it up.

Did I somehow possibly foresee hope in the dim and dark future that my life beheld?

Not really, no.

Did you understand the previous question that I asked?

Probably not.


But it's not like I can help it. Nothing is going right now. At first things were great - Damien was here, we kissed, my old classmates were here (even though Damien and Wesley were probably going to kill each other) and everything seemed fine. Of course it had to all go down the drain when Maurice showed up. And of course she still shared the same feelings toward me as she did before we were separated. That being hate and jealousy. Why? I will never know.

Anyway, you're probably curious as to how the rest of the program went.

Hour one: introductions. We all sat at the table (me, Damien, Queb, Wesley, Erika, Maurice and my mom) and introduced ourselves to everyone. Our name, age, favorite food, toothbrush color, that kind of stuff. You'd think this was okay, but it absolutely wasn't. Damien, the only person here who could give me any sort of comfort, had no emotion on his face whenever I'd look at him. If I was unlucky enough to land in the radar of Maurice's line of view, she would scowl. Queb was surprisingly quiet and smiled a little when I looked at him, so that was okay I guess. Okay, so the first hour wasn't too bad. Let's move onto the next hour.

Hour two: lunch. It was probably 1 PM by this point. We had grilled cheese, tomato soup, fresh fruits, and brownies. It was delicious, but would have been more fun if the following incident hadn't occurred.

We were standing in a line outside the kitchen, where one of my mom's assistants (a skinny guy with silver hair named Taylor) was giving us bowls of soup to pass down. I was standing behind Wesley and in front of Damien.

It was finally my turn and I walked up to Taylor. He smiled at me and handed me my bowl.

"You're Robin Wayne?" he asked me.

"That's me," I replied and awkwardly took the bowl. "Thanks."

"No problem. You know, I only took this job so I would be able to meet you," he said.

Um, creepy.

"Really?" I asked, trying not to sound too weirded out.

"Yes, I've heard quite a lot about you and when your mom contacted me about helping out, I was really excited. You're a pretty interesting person. I'm sorry about what's happened to you."

"Thank you," I said. Hmm, he seemed pretty nice.

"I hope you don't think I'm sounding too weird. You know, I did my psychology report on you!"

Never mind. This guy was a creep.

"Really?" I asked, trying not to sound too weirded out.

"Yes, I had to research on a person who -"

"Stop flirting and take your damn bowl already!" I heard a voice shout behind us. I didn't need to listen again to know that it was Maurice.

"Don't worry, there will still be plenty of food for you if you're that hungry," I replied calmly, before turning back to Taylor.

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