2 | Damien

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I've always had white hair.

Some people don't call it white. They call it bleach. White blonde. Light blonde. That kind of stuff.

My dad told me it's white. That white is a pure color. That it's a combination of all the colors.

Wow, dad. Thanks for telling me my hair is a rainbow mop.

I've always had this hair. In early grade school, kids would call me grandpa. They'd chase me around the playground and throw cough drops at me and scream horribly. In fourth grade, this one kid named Timmy drew a picture of me with Elmer's glue on his notebook and shared it for show and tell. That night, I went home to my house and found the biggest piece of wood in our garage, since my dad's a carpenter. The next day at recess I found Timmy at the swings and I just swung. I ignored the screams, I ignored the blood, I just pretended he was a pinata and I swung.

I still had friends, though.

I'm sure you know them. Robin, the goody two shoes who's half blind. Kurt, the boy goody two shoes who's my best friend. Maurice, the wannabe cowgirl douche who chews her gum really loud. Saul and Queb, the twins who could knock down a building if they tried.

Today, however, we're different.

I'm sure you've heard. The classic Lockdown (with a capital L) at East Delavan High School. Taking Robin out of her "normal" life and throwing her into our life, in order to bring her back. After what they did to her-her parents-all she really deserved was answers. And we gave that to her. Even though Kurt was part of that...

And Kurt. I don't know if you knew, but I've always known he would betray us eventually. He could never come through. Our pact - it wasn't something he could stick with. I knew he was only in it for her. I mean, it's not like I would blame him. I was too.

Yes, yes, I haven't forgotten about her. Our last previous moment together there was no space between us. Lovely, right? 

I've been trying not to think about it. Obvious reasons.

Ever since we heard that Mr. Wayne still ended up dead by Rylie Clover, that gave me some hope, though. And hopefully, that hope can take me through these next few months. 

My trial. 

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