23 | Kurt

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She won't stop crying.

I thought that pretty girls cried pretty tears. But not this one. She's freaking bawling everywhere and her makeup is smeared all over her face and she's a freaking mess.

"Miss, maybe you should -"

She cuts me off by sobbing louder, still clinging onto my arm. "You have to believe me," she sobs, her brown hair thrown in every direction. "Amanda put the drugs in my bag! She was trying to frame me! I didn't do anything! You believe me, right?"

"Who the hell is Amanda?" I ask.

"The girl I was with!" Rylie? Amanda was Rylie? Hmm, must have been one of her many fake IDs...

"So she was trying to frame you," I say. I know she's lying, my assignment was, after all, to catch her and bring her and her little drug smuggling friends to justice. I was only saying I believed her so we could get away from Rylie. I keep listening for police sirens in the distance. I called for them to come and get Rylie, but I'm nervous she got away again. I kicked her pretty hard, right? That should've kept her down.

That better be the last time I hear from Rylie Clover.

"Yes, she was! She hates me, so it makes sense! You believe me, right?" the bawling brunette looked up at me, her eyes pleading. She seemed really desperate. "I would never interact with drugs, they terrify me!"

I just nod. "Let's get you home. Do your parents know where you are now?"

"Oh, shit, what time is it?" she suddenly asks, detaching herself from my arm. She glances down at her watch. "Crap, my friend Thomas is meeting me at my place tonight! I can't believe I almost forgot!"


"Thomas...?" I repeat. She begins smoothing out her hair and rubbing her hands over her face, but she still looks wild as hell.

"Yeah, he called me earlier and asked if he could spend the night, then cancelled, then called back again and said he had nowhere else to go. He's so silly, but he's so hot."

Holy shit. It was the Thomas who was running away from Rylie. The Thomas whom I had told the entire Robin Wayne Lockdown story to. This Thomas was friends with this random girl who was part of my most current assignment. How fucking small was the world?

"Thomas." is all I say.

"Yes, that's his name." she gives me a weird look. She isn't even crying anymore, she seems to have composed herself. Except for her face and hair that is. "I should be going. Thank you for everything, sir."

"Wait!" I say. "You can't just leave like that!"

"What do you mean?" she asks innocently. I watch her eyes; they dart from left to right. She clearly wants to get out of here, not just to meet our friend Thomas but to get away from me. She knows I am a cop. And she knows she's been lying this whole time. And she's still my current assignment, so I should just bust her ass! I still have a pair of handcuffs in my pocket...

"Questioning," I reply casually. "We still have to question you. About Ry- err, Amanda. You say she was trying to frame you? The school board's gonna wanna know that when they decide who they would like to expel."

"They can't expel me, I did nothing wrong!" she squeaks.

"Then it should be easy as 1, 2, 3," I smile, and grab her wrist.

"Let me go!" she says. "I... I have to be somewhere!"

"It won't take that long," I say. "Your friend Thomas should understand."

"How would you know?"

Oh trust me, I know.

"My car is right over here," I lie. "We can drive back to the station and ask you a couple of questions and then you'll be on your merry way."

"N-no! I won't!" she yells, and then slaps me full on in the face. I stumble backwards, and she pulls back and takes off down the sidewalk.

What the hell?

Well, looks like this assignment wouldn't be completed.

I sigh, and sit down at the nearest bench. I want to go back to the station to check that they've gotten Rylie. I want to go and hunt down that girl and her drug dealing friends. I want to go to Costa Rica and die with a martini in my hands. There's so many things I want to do, but I don't want to do.

And then, I receive the text. I look at the sender - it's from Wesley, my eyes to the inside of the Wayne Recovery Center. I don't even bother to read what it says - because I'm already going.

[author's note :D]

Happy New Year?

I know I haven't updated since August. Whoops. But all that matters is that I've updated now, right? Right? Hehe...

Hope y'all enjoyed. I'll do my best to update a few more chappies later today.



- DC

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