1 | Robin

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        "We, the jury, find the defendant, Robin Wayne, guilty of attempted murder and homicide due to reason of mental disease and defect. The defendant is to be hereby sentenced to five years in closed asylum care and twenty years in county jail all of without bail. This case is hereby closed..."

        I love watching this. I watch it over and over whenever I want to. Because I can. It's like a new hobby of mine, watching this. Call me crazy, but something about watching this just makes me jittery. Jittery with anger. Agony. And somewhat of resentment. 

        And then the camera turns. 

        First it was pointed at the jury, and now it turns to the audience. To show their reaction. First comes the dumbfounded looks on my family members. My lack of father, who is currently in a $7,000 casket six feet under. And then the look of confusion and fear and anger and hatred across my friends - Damien, Maurice, Saul, Queb. They all stand there in handcuffs, watching everything go down. And then there's the "good guys." Kurt and Nate Larson, the a-hole brothers. They stand there, clapping one another on the shoulder, beaming proudly at their work.

        And then there's me.

        Slumped over in my seat, wearing bright orange with stripes and handcuffs. Next to my attorney, who can't even make eye contact with me because she knew from the start that this was going to happen.

        I wish the camera stayed on me more. I wish I could watch my reaction over and over, so I could study myself, to cut open my mind to see what was going through my head. Because I honestly don't remember. Since everything turned chaotic after that.

        And Rylie.

        Still nowhere to be seen, even to this day. But I knew she was out there watching. The news assures everyone that she's been detained, but everyone here knows she's not. I know that. And I know that she's out there, waiting. Waiting to get us all. To come back.

        Rylie was closer to me than I thought. And when I realized what she had done, I knew that there was more to my life than what I could already remember. Unfortunately, they separated me from Damien before I could ask him. I haven't seen him since. He's probably being shipped off to some other asylum in some other state or something. I'm not sure about Saul and Queb. I can imagine them doing time for what they've done.

        And Kurt.

        I will kill him the next time he's not sneering at me through bars. Kurt, who pretended to love me. Kurt, who barged into my life and pretended he was the brink between good and evil and then betrayed me. Betrayed all of us. Well, except for Rylie. She's out there somewhere. And I know she will come for us. She has to. If she finished the job and killed my father like we were planning to then I know she will get us out of here for good. And I can leave this place forever.

        But until then, I wait.

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