Chapter Thirteen, Part One

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Lucifer put his arm around me and I curled up against his chest. He put his other arm around me, embracing me. It seemed a false sense of security.

“Why were you on the world council’s Island?” I asked him. I felt rather then saw the confusion in his body.

“I don’t know, I was just brought there and left there. Emily knew I’d get free and then she knew we’d go to school together. She gets a general Idea of the future, that’s one of her talents. She’s part angel part Shape shifter. She’s basically a shape shifting angel. She shifts into a fox.” Lucifer told me. I looked up at the night sky. The moon was full and the stars were shining bright. Everything was bleached a strange orange-y grey from the moon and the faint fire. I threw a light piece of wood into it to keep it going. “You know, you’re very mature for your age.” Lucifer told me.

“How so?” I asked him.

“Well because you haven’t kissed anyone on this romantic setting. With no one around.” He told me. I smiled, wriggled up a little bit and kissed his neck.

“There, I kissed someone on this romantic setting with no one around.” I told him. He smiled, leaned down and touched his lips to mine. He seemed to be hesitant for some reason. He pulled away. “Now you’re the mature one?” I asked him.

“Someone has to be.” He told me. I smiled.

“How about the mature one is someone who isn’t here?” I asked him. He seemed to consider it for a moment. I guess he decided that it was a good enough excuse and leaned down to kiss me. He deepened the kiss and pulled away and then leaned down to kiss me again. I pulled away slightly, and he reached up and tucked my hair behind my ears. Lucifer sat up, pulling me on to his lap. He smiled and touched his lips to my neck.

“You don’t drink blood, do you?” I asked nervously. I felt his lips curve in to a smile on my neck.

“No, although I wish I did.” Lucifer told me.

“Why?” I asked, pulling his head up so I could look at him.

“Because I just feel like it was what I was supposed to be, but I’m not.” He told me. I nodded, half understanding.

“Are you blushing?” I asked him incredulously. I had never seen my angel blushing. He looked embarrassed and blushed deeper. I smiled and kissed his cheek. “You don’t need to be embarrassed about your wants or desires.” I told him. I started to kiss him but stopped. I smiled with my lips still on his. I felt his confusion. I grabbed his hand and leapt up suddenly. “Let’s go swimming out to the raft. I won’t let you drown I promise.” I told him. He sighed and got up.

“There is just no saying no with you, is there?” Lucifer asked me, shaking his head as I ran to the water. I hated walking in so I ran to the rocky ledge where it was deep and dived in, unafraid of the inky black waters beneath me. I made into the water with barely a splash. I surfaced and saw Lucifer hesitating. “Float then, I don’t care, just come on!” I told him. He nodded and I watched him float down so that his feet were inches away from the water. I treaded there, staring at him. I was waiting for big feathery white wings to appear from his shoulder blades. When I was sure I wouldn’t see big white wings I started swimming and Lucifer followed behind me, floating on the water. I turned around and grabbed his leg, trying to pull him in to the water with me. Instead, I only succeeded in pulling myself out of the water. He laughed and picked me up, carrying me the rest of the way. We went in the water when we were a few feet away from the raft so that we wouldn’t scare them. The only people I could see that were sober were Seth, Aria, Gavin and the elementals. I mimed to Aura and Molly someone rowing to shore. They nodded thankfully and Aura blew the wind toward shore, and Molly made the waves and currents take us back. Within a few minutes we were all back at shore. I made sure everyone was in their correct car with designated drivers. Turns out, Jade and Blaise weren’t as sober as I’d assumed. Oh fun. I told Aura and Molly to keep an eye on them. Seth had had a few to drink as well, as it turns out Gavin joined the party. In the end, Seth sat in the back seat next to the door and Jade. Beside Jade was Blaise and beside Blaise was Molly. In the front was Aria drove with Gavin beside her, me beside Gavin and Lucifer next to me. I ended up sitting on Lucifer’s lap because Gavin took up a lot of room. I looked back and saw Jade, who was drunker then Seth, kissing Seth in a very PDA way. They were drunk so I figured there was nothing I could do. I heard Blaise pry Jade off of Seth and her exact words;

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