Chapter Two, Part Two

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I leaned my head back, my back flat against the cold, rough stone of the tunnel. I had no memory of ever coming here, yet here I was. I looked down and saw that I, my hair and my clothes were a tattered, muddy mess. I stood there for an immeasurable amount of time, before finally trusting myself to move along the hall. I let my hand trail along the wall, feeling the change from rough stone to cool mud. My jeans were muddy and stiff, my long sleeved shirt hung in almost complete shreds. I stopped to catch my breath, now aware of a pain in my leg. I turned around, not seeing anything but darkness ahead of me, and a faint light behind me. I walked back until I got to where I started; I looked at the ground and saw dried blood. I tried to remember what had happened to me, but I couldn't. I stepped forward, trying to avoid the blood, assuming it wasn't mine, I didn't have any cuts or even bruises on me. As I stepped over it, pain shot up my leg and I slid down the wall curling my leg to my chest. I sat there, trying not to make any noise, scared. I hadn't been scared in a long time. Nervous, sure, but never scared. The two emotions were often mistaken for the other. The pain in my leg faded enough for me to stand up. I chose not to stand up though, instead I leaned my head against the cool stone, leaving one knee bent up. I had no idea what to do next, I had never been somewhere I had no idea about, and I was unsure whether or not to keep looking for a way out, or wait for someone, or something to come. I thought about Drake, where was he? And what about Dallas? Drake

’s words echoed through my head ‘We’re in this together, you’ll never be alone.’ He had said to me. I heard distant footsteps echoing against the stone. I tried to count the minutes but lost track at three, the footsteps were distracting me. Eventually a figure appeared, and then features started forming. I saw black hair, dark eyes, and pale skin. I thought for a minute, looking at him as he walked closer to me, and a name popped in to my head. Dantanian, Aria's cousin, I had gotten a bad feeling about him when I met him. But he had a charm around him that made it nearly impossible to hate, hurt, or resist him. I sat there, looking up at him as he stood in front of me. He said nothing.
"Why am I here?" I asked him, my voice hoarse and echoing across the walls. He looked at me a moment more before answering.
"Because he wanted you here." Dantanian said, not answering my question.
"Who is he?" I said, my voice stronger now, but echoing endlessly. Dantanian stepped on my leg, it was still sore and I cried out in pain as the bone crunched. I sat up straighter suddenly, trying to curl in to a ball.
"Do you want to ask again? I am not allowed to kill you, but torture is another matter all together." He said, laughing cruelly. I glared at him; nothing had ever hurt me before. I noticed that my bone healed quickly back to normal. I stood up, hate powering me. I glared up at him; he glared back down to me. He was so tall.
"Where am I?" I asked him, feeling my lost power and energy come rushing back to me. He smiled a cruel smile.
"Take a guess, if I could take you anywhere where would it be?" Dantanian asked, smirking at me.
"Well, judging on your sense of character I would assume somewhere where I can’t use powers to get someone to save me."I crossed my arms.
"Do you really think I am that evil?" He asked me, his eyes hinting at silent laughter. I looked at him and thought for a moment, he couldn't be that evil, or was he? He was right; he was probably something like a guard.
"Well that all depends, can I go?"
"You would think after wandering around and not eating in who knows how long you would want to stay here with me and rest." He smiled
"Oh you only wish." I looked around the tunnel for something to distract him, when my eyes came across a thick stick. I walked around him and felt his eyes on me as he turned to watch what I was doing. I knelt down to grab the stick looking back over my shoulder, he was still watching me, I smiled, if only he knew my next move, I thought. I picked it up and swung around as fast as I could, smacking him across the face. He fell to the ground with a yelp of surprise. I looked down at him, he had his hand on his face and was laying there not moving, and I raised the stick and shoved it through his chest, without mercy or hesitation. I watched for a moment while the blood pooled around him. I looked at him lying there and turned to leave. As I walked away, I looked over my shoulder to see he had his face turned towards me, defeat and hate in his eyes. I stopped and watched as all emotion left his eyes. I turned and headed down the tunnel, my footsteps echoing.
     I opened the door hesitantly, but my hesitation was not needed. The door lead outside, a garden shed was the entrance. I walked forward, ready for.... something. I kept walking until I saw a familiar sign. I was still in Italy. I ached to see Drake, his words still echoing in my head. I found that I had been little more than a block away from the grand house where we all lived. Drake was sitting on the porch so I assumed it was eleven at night, he always sat there; I had learned that much when I first got here. When he saw me though, he stood up and I ran to him, tears in my eyes. I threw myself in to his arms, not caring who saw. He pulled away from me and looked at me, I was a mess.
"How long was I gone?" I asked him.
"Two days." He replied simply, “What happened?” He asked me.

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