Chapter Nineteen, Part One

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I walked slowly through the trees, knowing Sapphire and two boys were standing in the cave. I was not sure what was going to happen, but I hoped they would not end up dying. I was only a spirit after all. Change was to come. I sighed, change. It was such an overused thing in this time. When I stepped through the trees I smiled my crooked smile and watched as one boy shoved Sapphire roughly behind him, and the other boy stood beside him. Sapphire obviously did not like that arrangement, as she shoved her way so that she was standing in front of the boys. As she saw me, she froze as if she had been shocked. I briefly recalled sending her a short message the night before. I widened my crooked smile.

“Hello Sapphire,” I said to her, looking evil in the moonlight. You could tell she thought that I meant deep trouble. I stepped forward but she held up a hand, warning me not to go closer. I threw my head back and laughed an awful sound. I was master of the night, born ten thousand years ago. I was born as a vampire. My first meal was blood. It did not take me eighteen years to become what I am. I am the most powerful. Ancient, I am one to be feared. I stepped closer and closer until her hand was an inch away from my stomach. It was not too often you got a six foot eleven vampire knocking on your door. I looked at the cave that still held some light from where they three had touched it. Universe babies, were they? I was the devil’s baby. I had no mercy, no conscience. I was not to kill them though; they had a purpose, as did everyone on the planet and in the heavens and hell. We all had a purpose; some had a greater purpose then others though. These three had the greatest. I wanted them to leave the world as it was. I knew Sapphire would do anything but leave it the way it is. She spoke out loud, her voice strong.

“I will do anything but leave this world the way it is.” She said with an emphasis on will, she confirmed my thoughts. I considered for a moment what to say. I figured a threat to her wouldn’t be effective, but perhaps one directed to one of the boys behind her.

“How much do you care about, hmm, let’s say the boy to you left?” I said, scanning her thoughts I found the boy’s name was Dallas. She looked shocked and took a step back. I had hit a nerve.

“Why does it matter?” She asked hesitantly, wondering about my motive. The boy stepped in front of her, he was about a head shorter than me but he seemed to have a temper.

“Do you think I’m scared of you?” The boy, Dallas said.

“No.” My answer seemed to shock him, like he wasn’t used to it. “But you should be, I am a ten thousand year old spirit who just wants to talk to the pretty lady there.” I said to him. I looked over his head and Sapphire was looking at me with a serious expression and searching eyes. She seemed to make up her mind.

“Dallas, back off.” She said calmly. The other boy, Drake I assumed, was getting restless seeing Dallas so close to me.

“No, he wants you; he has to go through me.” Dallas snapped at her. She had looked down at the ground but at this her head snapped up and her expression was worried. Dallas stood in front of me, his arms crossed.

“Easily.” I said and brushed him away. Well I thought I brushed him away, really he flew in to the wall of the cave; I heard an ear splitting crack. I stood still long enough to hear his heart beat and then I started to Sapphire. She pushed Drake towards Dallas, but he was reluctant to go. She rolled her eyes, looked pissed, and gave him a hard shove that sent him stumbling. He jogged over to his fallen friend and Sapphire turned to me, giving me a look that said what the hell? I shrugged and was mildly surprised that she was so, in control. Her power was greater than mine; I was one of the three most powerful spirits of all time. I couldn’t begin to describe her power.

“He told me too.” I told her, she rolled her eyes and calmed down.

“You mean, I’m going to die.” She said. This made no sense at all to me. Maybe the fate of the world was in the hands of someone who had lost their mind. It wasn’t a question and she said it like an accusation. I gave her a questioning look. She acted like she didn’t see me. “I mean, Abaddon can’t leave me alone, some angel talked to me in my dream, you did, and then I died. I died. The entire world did and I didn’t even see who killed me. Well, I assume that the dream was more a vision then a dream. I don’t want the world to end. But then, I never have much of a choice, do I? I never did, I still don’t, and never will have a choice. I may be change but that’s all I am. Right? I’m just some vessel of power that will do whatever someone higher than me wants me to do. I don’t like being that but I have no choice. My entire life is just a game, a sick, twisted, deadly game. I don’t even let myself in to my head, in to the truth. It scares me.” She said, she stopped pacing back and forth and looked at me, tears shining in her eyes. “It scares me.” She repeated softly, a tear falling down her cheek. I died a teenage boy; I hate tears, especially girl tears. I was lost; I had no idea what to do with a crying teenage girl. More tears followed the first and she wasn’t even trying to pretend to be strong and in control any more. She showed me who she was then. She was just a lost, innocent, scared, little girl who never got a childhood. Who never got a choice. The biggest choice she probably had complete control over was what to eat, wear, and who to hang out with. Sometimes not even the last one. She had been trained to be in control, to not break, to barely bend. But she had bent so far that she broke. It would take her friends’ love to heal her, to make her strong. I felt so helpless; it made me want to cry. In all my ten thousand years, I had never felt so helpless. I stood there awkwardly, watching her have some internal argument with herself. She seemed to pull herself together quickly. She flicked her bangs out of her eyes, glanced over at Dallas and Drake, only to see Drake fighting to keep Dallas down. I smiled and rolled my eyes at them. Time cannot change who you are. Neither can power. That is one mistake that many people make. You change with power and time. It is true that you change, but only if you want to. Sapphire looked back at me.

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